Supporting our Clients by Protecting their Interests – The Credibility Assessment Division

Our credibility assessment division is focused on business matters and alternative dispute resolution. We are ICO registered and sign non-disclosure agreements with all clients at the point of the initial call. You can be assured that the matter is handled with strict confidentiality and the necessary professional etiquette.

Credibility Assessment Division

Polygraph Testing and Psycho-Physiology

The Credibility Assessment Division was founded on a core framework to assist businesses in the public/private sector to be able to suitably assess the authenticity of personnel within the realm of their organisation.

In many cases we have encountered companies with longstanding employees where there is suspicious handling of sensitive data, potential fraud, physical theft and often partnerships where trust is deteriorating and there is not an immediate substantial evidence to proceed with legal action.

Furthermore, in our experience where the personnel provide an important service either as employees or to our clients then it can jeopardise the relationship going forward if the concerns are then disproved and course of action was misappropriated.

At Lie Detector Test UK, our years of experience in providing polygraph examinations to diverse private and business clients, has built our impeccable reputation. Our examiners are some of the best in their field, all of whom are American Polygraph Association (APA) and British Polygraph Society (BPS) accredited. The polygraph technology they use to administer lie detector tests is fully compliant with the BPS and APA regulations. Conducted with sensitivity and discretion we maintain the optimum level of data protection.

Through credibility assessment, we can help safeguard businesses by measuring the integrity of their personnel and providing reports to assist their decision making.

07572 748364 (Free Helpline)

We work closely with you to formulate appropriate questions specific to the truth you need to find. Whether in the pre-employment screening process, theft, fraud or anything else that is bothering you. Normally up to 8 questions are asked with 2-3 of them relevant to the matter you are concerned about. The other questions proposed are for profiling purposes, related to behaviour and metrics. You may want to know if your data has been passed to a competitor, or what the subject knows about theft of equipment or assets. Questions must always be related to factual matters rather than opinion. The test may take up to 2 hours depending on how complex the issue is which includes the pre-test interview.

Business Polygraph Testing can take up to 2 hours. Firstly, you’ll need to discuss your requirements with us.  We can do this on the telephone or organise an online conference. If you want to order Business Polygraph Testing on a regular basis for recruitment screening or random checking we can arrange to meet up at your offices or ours. Initially we’ll gather information from you and make a decision as to whether polygraph testing will benefit your particular circumstances. If so, you will be able to book the service online using our secure reservation system when you can choose the date, time and location for the test. When the booking is confirmed you pay a £100 reservation fee which is not refundable. As soon as the payment has been cleared you will receive an sms (text message) and an email confirming payment and giving you access to our online pre-test assessment form.  This needs to be completed within 24 hours. On completion by you, someone acting on your behalf or the subject(s) of the polygraph test, the outstanding balance of the fee must be paid. Thereafter we will send you an email confirming all the details of the test including location, date and time. 

Because of the sensitivity of our work, we provide the optimum in secure online booking together with a highly confidential and discreet service. On screen instructions guide you through the booking procedure that is easily understandable. During the process you will be able to designate where you want the test to be conducted with a choice of office locations near you or onsite at your business premises.

2 hours should be set aside for the employee on the day the test takes place, longer if they are travelling to one of our offices. On arrival at our office our examiner will meet your employee after checking in with our receptionist. Thereafter, the pre-test interview will commence when a number of questions will be discussed including those that you have predetermined with us. The purpose of the pre-test interview is to ensure the subject is relaxed and understands completely what the test is about. The predetermined questions and the way they are worded are suggested by the examiner since they need to be defined and close ended. The most accurate results from the polygraph come with perfectly worded and contextualised questions are asked.

If the issue has been a simple one, and the result is considered conclusive at the end of the test, our examiner will immediately apprise the client verbally if required. To be precise our client is the individual who booked the test. Unless otherwise advised in writing that we may share the results of the test with a 3rd party we will never do so. Detailed analysis of the resulting transcripts, video and charts will be undertaken by the examiner who performed the polygraph test. It will then be verified by another equally qualified and accredited examiner before the report is sent to the client, usually within 48 hours. There are a many benefits for companies to introduce Business Polygraph Testing into the recruitment or loss prevention strategy. You can rely on us to advise you how to implement it effortlessly without distressing your staff.

We have controlled offices located in most major cities and towns throughout the UK where testing is performed. Alternatively the test, subject to environmental conditions, can be conducted at your place of business or in the employee’s home.

This list below is not exhaustive but outlines the areas most frequently visited by our professional examiners:

Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Cambridge, Cardiff, Exeter, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Norwich, Nottingham, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Sheffield, Southampton, Wolverhampton

Business Polygraph Testing

Pre-employment screening

Small businesses don’t have the budget or resources of the large Human Resource departments in large corporations. Introducing the polygraph into your pre-employment screening process is not only affordable but also prevents unquantifiable loss. Business polygraph testing allows you to confirm the details in CVs you have been given by potential candidates. You can verify that everything you have been told is the truth as well as gain some insight into the character of the individual. Among other checks that you can do such as criminal background, educational qualifications and work experience the polygraph is the best tool to validate the information you gather.

Legalities of Business Polygraph Testing

There is very little legislation related to the use of polygraph testing in business. However, an employee is not obliged to take a test and cannot be forced to do so. The best way to implement the process is to make submission to testing part of the employment contract. Or to send a memo outlining that testing is a new policy about to be introduced accompanied by a letter that employees are requested to sign agreeing to be tested. Most honest employees will have no problem in complying.

Random testing of existing employees

Random testing is a policy adopted by many of our clients to ensure the workforce remains loyal to the company and doesn’t steal from it. The introduction of tests sends a clear message to employees that the business has a zero tolerance toward fraud and theft. Questions can be formulated to match the individual duties of staff members. The polygraph can also be used if a specific employee is suspected of criminal activity.

Employment Screening - Can be added to your HR/Recruitment Practise

Assistance with staff recruitment

Most businesses are susceptible to fraud in one way or another, so it is worth getting peace of mind during the recruitment process.

Polygraph tests can be used to verify a candidate’s qualifications, skills, and experience. They can be asked about their values to determine whether they are a good fit for the position they are applying for and match the company culture. Moreover, a test can be useful in uncovering criminal wrongdoings they have failed to disclose.

It is also good practice to periodically test employees, especially if you are in an industry that is susceptible to financial loss or loss of reputation.

We administer polygraph (lie detector) tests and provide evidence as to the innocence or guilt of a suspect.

Lie Detector for Theft

As soon as you notice things going missing, whether it’s money or produce, you must act swiftly. Nothing eats into your profits like a thief (or thieves). But it can be difficult to pinpoint the culprit. They are often good at covering their tracks. So how do you catch them?

A lie detector test is the quickest and surest way to bring the thief to light. Our polygraph tests are industry leading and our examiners highly trained, so you can be assured that the truth will be found.

Employee theft is on the increase, up around 5% year on year since 2011. Often they will work in teams to make it easier to avoid detection. Data theft is also a growing problem. Personal data on customers can be sold to unscrupulous marketers and scam artists for a decent profit. This is irresistible to some bad employees and is difficult to protect against without massively expensive cyber-security in place.

You really can’t afford to suffer losses at work. If you have a case of theft and want to act quickly, contact us now. You can easily book the test online and bring the thief to justice swiftly and surely.

Lie Detector Test for Fraud

Fraud detection

No business can afford to lose money through fraud. It can cripple or even destroy the most secure business if it goes unresolved or undetected. To stop your business ending up like Baring’s bank you should takes steps to stop fraud immediately. If the culprit can’t be found (they are often good at hiding their tracks) a lie detector test is the only option. This will mean examining any staff that have financial access. Most people will jump at the chance to prove their innocence, so don’t worry about lowering staff morale.

Often, the fraud will be committed by a group of employees rather than a lone individual. This can be harder to detect as they will cover and lie for each other. Again, a lie detector test will highlight all of those involved and put a stop to the theft.

Lie Detector Test for Integrity

Revealing the truth – We can help to clear your name by conducting a lie detector test

Prove your Innocence

Being falsely accused can be devastating. It can destroy your career. The pain of knowing that you have done nothing wrong can even lead to a mental breakdown. If you’re in the position of being wrongly accused, you will know what this is like. It is torture. It seems like there is no way out. That is where a lie detector test can come to your rescue. Not only can you prove your own innocence, but if someone else is to blame it can help to prove their guilt.

Polygraph tests are ideal for refuting false allegations. Perhaps you’ve been accused of spending money fraudulently on the company credit card, but you think you know who actually did it. Or maybe someone has been stealing stock and your boss suspects you. It’s hard to shake off allegations against you even if nothing can be proven. People say there is no smoke without fire and there will always be doubt against your name. A polygraph will remove that doubt.

You can get on with your career, safe in the knowledge that your reputation is intact. Your conscience is clear, you just need to prove it to others.

No matter what the scenario, we can help. We will arrange for a lie detector test to be set up at a location near you and our well trained examiners will ask just the right questions to prove your innocence. Don’t suffer with injustice for any longer, book a lie detector test today.

London polygraph test for 10 downing street

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Lie detector tests help stop repeat offences

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Rotherham polygraphs for child abuse cases

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Polygraph test could help Luton police

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Lie detector in Winchester used to prove vandalism

Lie Detector in Winchester used to prove vandalism A Winchester lie detector recently found a disgruntled former member of nightclub staff guilty of vandalising staff property. Cameron recently contacted our office in Winchester after worrying that a previous...

Wigan polygraph test requested for boss

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For more information about lie detection services and how business polygraph examinations can help contact us today for a no obligation, confidential discussion. Make sure your business doesn’t lose revenue this year through crime carried out by dishonest employees.

07572 748364 (Free Helpline)