Shrewsbury Lie Detector Test reveals reason for Employee’s Low Productivity
One of our client’s employees became less productive working from home. Our client ordered a Shrewsbury lie detector test to find out why.
Clive’s Case
When the Covid 19 pandemic began Clive closed his offices and gave his employees the opportunity to work from home. Most agreed and having set them up with the necessary equipment and software everything ran smoothly for a while. As claim’s processors it was surprising how well his staff adapted to working remotely.
However, it became apparent that Gerard, one of his senior claims management staff, was lagging behind. Whenever they spoke Gerard would have a plausible excuse as to why he was under achieving. After a couple of months, it became apparent that something was very wrong. Gerard has been with company for over 15 years and was a hard worker usually.
Clive organised a video conference to see if he could find out what the problem was. Gerard looked washed out and untidy. At the office he was always impeccably dressed so Clive asked him if he was ill. Gerard said he wasn’t feeling great but didn’t think he had the virus.
He assured Clive that the reason he was “slightly” behind with his cases was that they had been complicated. But he was working his way through them and he would be up to date soon.
Another month passed and complaints were coming in about claims not being processed on time. Again Gerard made excuses.
Shrewsbury lie detector test
Clive had inserted a polygraph clause in his employment contracts and for the first time ordered a Shrewsbury lie detector test to be administered at Gerard’s home. When he told Gerard that it was necessary for him to take a periodic lie detector test, as per his contract, Gerard was surprisingly enthusiastic about it.
Our West Midlands polygraph examiner arrived at Gerard’s house the following day. In the pre-test interview the examiner learned that Gerard lived alone. He enjoyed his work but more particularly he loved going to the office. Being alone for more than two months, and only able to go to the shops for necessities, he had become dreadfully depressed. So much so, that he found it difficult to get out of bed, let alone work.
The only human interaction he had in his life was at work or at his local pub. The pub was closed now so his loneliness was complete. He’d wanted to tell Clive but was terrified that he would lose his job. When the polygraph appointment was made he was enthusiastic about it for two reasons. The first was that he would be able to speak face to face (albeit with a mask) with another human being. The second was that he would find it easy to speak openly with a stranger whom he may never meet again. He felt weak, stupid, useless and suicidal.
Compassionate leave
Clive wanted to know what was wrong and the polygraph results proved that everything Gerard told our examiner was true. Concerned about suicidal thoughts, our examiner alerted Clive immediately.
Since Gerard was a loyal and valued employee, Clive arranged for him to take fully paid compassionate leave from work until he felt better. He also arranged video conferences daily with at least one member of staff and with a psychologist once a week.
Crisis over
Clive has reported back to us, that Gerard is feeling much better. He has been able to meet up with some of his colleagues recently in a pub locally. And he will join some of his colleagues back at the office shortly.
Clive learned more than he could have imagined about his employee from the Shrewsbury lie detector test results. He won’t hesitate to implement periodic lie polygraph tests again when the need arises.
As employers we can all learn from this. Some people can work happily alone, others can’t especially when they have no family and live alone. This virus has highlighted the mental health issues related to lockdown for people such as these.
West Midlands Polygraph Service
If you are worried for any reason about your employees’ mental health or honesty, periodic lie detector tests can help. They allow you to gain greater insight into the people they really are and what they are going through. For more information please call us in confidence on our free helpline ((07572 748364).