We received an enquiry regarding the possibility of a brother having indecent images of children on his laptop. Our Kings Lynn Polygraph Examiner answered it.
Q: I think my brother may have indecent images on his laptop – can you help?
I’m writing as I’m really not sure where to turn. I’ve got a bit of a situation that is concerning me quite badly. A colleague of my brother’s at work has been arrested and charged due to indecent images of children found on his laptop and mobile phone. Charles always had young taste in women and the signs were there, but I guess you never really find out these things until it’s too late.
My brother, Brian appeared disgusted about the fact that the police had arrested him at the time, despite proof he’d been looking at these things was found. He and Charles are friends as well as workmates and always go out drinking together. Brian didn’t think for one minute he’d done it and made up some excuse about it being a second hand laptop and maybe the indecent images were on it when Charles got it.
My issue is I’ve looked at my brother’s computer and can see there are photos I can’t access. He doesn’t normally have passwords on his laptop but this file has. I’ve asked him why the file has a password and he said it suddenly appeared and he can’t access it. He can’t remove it either and he thinks it could be a virus. I told him to take the laptop to the police, just in case, but he refused.
I’m not so sure about his story and he seemed on edge when we were discussing it. I want to find out the truth and if he is part of this horrible nightmare, he needs to be questioned by the police. Brian lives with me and my two young children. The thought of anything like that being in my house makes me feel sick.
Would a lie detector test help?
L. J., Norfolk
Response from Kings Lynn Polygraph Examiner
This must be very worrying for you. The short answer to your questions is that a lie detector test can help you establish whether your brother is telling the truth or not.
However, the consequences of finding that truth may by necessity involve you in reporting your brother to the police.
Forensic examination
You could take his laptop to the police and ask them to forensically examine it. There is no doubt they will be able to access the file. Depending on the outcome of their examination you can then decide whether or not to order a lie detector test. It may be that if you tell your brother your intentions it will elicit a confession from him.
He could, of course, be telling you the truth in which case he has nothing to fear from a forensic examination of his laptop. If he resists an attempt to involve the police there’s clearly something suspicious about it.
Either way this needs to be investigated. Legislation provides a maximum 5 year prison sentence for possession of indecent images of children. Anyone making or taking such images or distributing them can expect a maximum incarceration of 10 years.
East Anglia Polygraph Services
We have controlled offices in most cities and large towns in East Anglia as well as nationwide. A lie detector test can be booked online or you can call for more advice. Our free helpline number is 07572 748364. When calling please mention that the Kings Lynn Polygraph Examiner has suggested you call. We are happy to help in any way we can to assist you in resolving the matter.