With schools becoming more involved in truancy and parents being fined for it, one parent felt the need to use our Sheffield Lie Detector Test Service to stop false accusations.
Naomi’s little girl Mia was always ill. They had been to numerous appointments with the GP and Mia’s attendance record at school was only 47%. Her symptoms were flu like but she seemed to get ‘a cold’ as the doctor put it much more frequently than is normal. No matter the treatment prescribed Mia seemed to get worse.
Poor attendance at school
The school had sent Naomi various letters regarding the poor attendance record. They even accused her of taking her daughter on holiday during term time. This wasn’t true. Social services had become involved because the school didn’t believe Mia was ill enough to be kept away from school. Naomi made it clear that it was up to her to decide when her child was fit for school. Not some “know it all” teacher or headmistress.
The last bout of illness was after a rushed Sunday night to the local A&E. Naomi hadn’t got home until the early hours and Mia had been kept in. She called the school at around 8am and was put straight through to the headmistress. After explaining the situation she was advised she was going to get a visit from the local authority’s education welfare officer the next day.
Sheffield lie detector test
Pondering the thought of the chastisement about to ensue, she contacted our Sheffield Lie Detector Test Service to ask if we could help. Naomi was sick of the accusations and had more important things on her mind, like the health of her daughter who still wasn’t released from hospital.
Our polygraph examiner agreed to conduct the test at short notice on the day Naomi called, realising the urgency of the situation. Naomi sat the Sheffield lie detector test calmly and without hesitation. She knew the results would prove her and her daughter’s innocence. She had the results before the education welfare officer arrived.
During the visit, a call from the hospital came in. Mia had Leukaemia and this was the reason for her continued struggle with her health. Naomi was devastated. Mia was to receive treatment immediately. All Naomi could think of was the hassle from the school because Mia would be away from school for a long time.
Unfair treatment
The results of the Sheffield lie detector test revealed the truth about Mia’s frequent absence from school. There isn’t an excuse for Naomi having to go through this because a school didn’t believe her daughter was ill. The incompetence of her GP in not sending Mia to hospital sooner also had a part to play.
Knowing the reality of the situation now, the school fully supports Mia’s absence in order for her to recover. The irony is that Mia loves school. Thankfully due to the care of the local Leukaemia unit, she has a fighting chance to return to a bright and promising future.
Are you affronted by false accusations levelled at you by authorities when your child is off school for a valid reason? We can help. To discuss or order a Sheffield lie detector test for any reason please call us on 07572 748364. You also have the option to book our nationwide polygraph services online using our secure reservation system.