According to the Edelman Trust Barometer 2017 there was an unprecedented drop in trust, spanning 38 nations, in government institutions. So would it be a good idea for politicians to take an annual lie detector test? Perhaps this might rebuild their credibility!
Politicians are renowned all over the world for never letting the truth get in the way of a good story, particularly around election time. Here are some of the questions we can ask on a test:
1. Have you ever taken a bribe?
2. Have you ever cheated on your expenses?
3. How many hours per day do you work on government business?
4. Have you ever told a lie on an election campaign?
Lie detector tests are not infallible but they do give a good indication of whether someone is telling the truth or not.
Lack of trust in government systems
The Edelman data shows that people are less concerned about right or left politics than they are about the system of government. More people believe the system is failing with just over 11% in the UK still having faith in it. Internationally, 50% of those who are highly educated, more informed and in the high income bracket believe their system of government is still working. Hence, credibility in the government is no longer income related. Of those surveyed in the UK, most believed that life was fairer in the past.
Immigration, the rapid pace of enhanced technology and the disintegration of social values have led to a feeling of not being in control.
Participants in the study placed more trust in family, close friends and in those most likely to share their views. In the UK these groups were trusted in excess of 4 time more than political parties and their leaders.
This doesn’t bode well for the future considering that the majority don’t believe governments will resolve problems and much less trust them to deliver. In the UK just over 30% of the populace felt they could trust Theresa May. All other politicians received a maximum level of trust rating at 25% or lower.
The Edelman report also found that our trust in businesses, the media and NGOs had diminished to all-time lows.
Annual lie detector test
Perhaps the voluntary participation of politicians and others in annual lie detector tests will restore our faith in them and help us weed out those who won’t deliver what they promise.
If you would like more information about our tests for any purpose contact us today. We will be happy to discuss your particular problem and give you further details about our services. You can be assured of confidentiality at all times.