Greater Manchester Police Force was one of the first to pilot the polygraph for monitoring certain types of sex offenders. Now the Manchester lie detector tests are to be made a permanent addition to their investigative tools.
With more than 3,400 sex offenders registered in the Greater Manchester area, they are increasing by an alarming 10 per cent annually.
Monitoring sex offenders
Compulsory polygraph examinations may be imposed on paedophiles, rapists and other sex offenders as a condition of their release licence.
Specially trained officers should be allocated 50 sex offenders each to monitor but are currently managing 65 (15 more than recommended). Their job is to visit the offenders as part of risk assessment. If they consider that an offender is at high risk of re-offending a lie detector test may be deemed necessary.
In the initial interview they may be given the opportunity of confessing to breaches in the conditions set on their licence. For example, a paedophile’s licence conditions may be not to access the internet or have any contact with children. When the monitoring officer asks if they have broken those conditions and believes their response to be dishonest, a polygraph examination may ensue.
If deception is found after the 2-3 hour test, then further investigation takes place using traditional methods. These may include forensic examination of their phones, laptops, computers and other devices. Enquiries may be made as to whether or not they have been seen near schools or playgrounds. CCTV in the area will be checked.
Sex Offender Management Unit (SOMU)
According to DCI Jude Holmes, from the GMP Serious Crime and Public Protection Division, the polygraph has been “overwhelmingly successful” in saving resources and time in the risk management process.
Prior to the polygraph being piloted the SOMU (Sex Offender Management Unit) was reliant on lengthy surveillance and analysing data from criminal’s electronic devices such as tagging. You can read more about how lie detector tests are helping Greater Manchester Police by clicking here.
As we have mentioned many times before, the polygraph is just one investigative method employed by police that is always corroborated by other evidence. The results of a polygraph examination alone will not send a released sex offender back to prison. However, what the results reveal may lead detectives to look in areas they may never have considered without the results.
Manchester lie detector tests
As Greater Manchester Police have discovered, the polygraph is an effective and reliable investigative tool as long as it is administered by their highly trained polygraph examiners. Anything that helps keep the community safe is a welcome addition.
The monitoring of criminals on probation is not its only use in Greater Manchester. Our private polygraph examiners uncover infidelity, theft in the workplace, historical sexual abuse and many other types of dishonesty on a daily basis.
The results from our Manchester lie detector tests provide private individuals with the ability to move on with their lives. They also save businesses unquantifiable time and money in identifying dishonesty in the workplace.
If you are struggling to find the truth of any particular matter contact us today to find out how polygraph services can help you. Our advice is free and so is our helpline on 07572 748364.