Long Distance Lorry Driver caught out by Guildford Lie Detector Test
When our client’s married lover asked her to move nearer to where he lived, she booked a Guildford lie detector test to verify his commitment.
Gwen’s Case
Gwen had been seeing Alan for more than 5 years. He was a long-distance lorry driver and she met him one evening, in her local where she worked as a barmaid. Alan had asked the landlord if it was OK for him to stay overnight in the pub car park.
When Gwen finished her shift, she passed Alan’s lorry on her way to her car, and he asked her where a good place was to have breakfast. She suggested a local café and he invited her to have breakfast with him. There was something about his cheeky smile that make her accept.
He explained that he passed through her area every couple of months. It would be great if she would go out on a date with him the next time he was there, he said.
Married man
Alan had stayed at her house from the beginning. Gwen suggested it would be more comfortable than his cab. After a year of seeing each other every two months Gwen had fallen hopelessly in love. And then Alan confessed that he was married. She knew she should have ended it, but she was in too deep.
5 years down the line and here he was asking her to move nearer to his city so that they could see each other more often. He couldn’t leave his wife yet, he said, because she had just found out she had breast cancer. But he loved Gwen and one day they would be together.
Guildford lie detector test
Speaking to her best friend, Donna, on a girl’s night out, Gwen said she was worried about uprooting herself to move 6 hours away from her friends and family. From the moment Donna found out that Alan was married, she’d been worried about Gwen.
All married men having affairs, had a myriad of reasons why they couldn’t leave their wives. Alan was no different, Donna said. And then there was the age gap. Gwen was 23 and Alan, 42 so maybe he was having a midlife crisis.
Donna said she should find out if he was telling her the truth. Why not book a lie detector test for him, she suggested. Having thought long and hard about it, that’s exactly what Gwen did.
When she told Alan about it, he didn’t seem at all concerned about taking the lie detector test she had booked in Guildford. Meeting no resistance, Gwen felt relieved because this surely must mean that he was being sincere.
Results and conclusion
One of our London polygraph examiners conducted Alan’s test and unfortunately, he failed miserably. Questions had been carefully formulated, considering information that Gwen gave us.
It transpired that his wife didn’t have breast cancer and he had no intention of leaving her. The results and fully analysed, peer reviewed report were sent to Gwen within 24 hours. She was devastated. Alan has not contacted her since taking the Guildford lie detector test.
A lie detector test is the quickest way to find the truth before committing yourself to something that could have life changing consequences. At least Gwen has friends and family to comfort her. Had she moved, she would have had no one near to pick up the pieces.
Something that confused her was why Alan agree to take the test. There could have been many reasons but the most likely are that he thought he could beat it, or it was his way of saying “goodbye.” As a married man he’d managed to string a young woman along for over 5 years. But polygraph technology, operated by an experienced, APA (American Polygraph Association) accredited and high qualified polygraph examiner, is impossible to hoodwink. Or perhaps, he had got himself in too deep with the relationship but didn’t have the courage to end it face to face.
We may never know.