Questions continue to come in for our polygraph examiners.  This one comes from a sister worried that her brother is possibly drug dealing in Newcastle.

Q: Can you help me find out if my brother is drug dealing in Newcastle?

I’m writing to you as I think my brother is taking and selling drugs, well steroids at the gym anyway. He has always been a bit of an iron man but recently he’s been going to the gym four to five times a week. He only used to go once or twice and the difference in his physique over such a short period is outstanding. He’s started to look like one of those strong men you see on the television. It isn’t attractive and doesn’t look normal. Sometimes I think the veins on his neck will burst and that doesn’t look healthy.

I initially thought the change in size was due to the extra visits but I found some pills in his gym bag the other day, and they worried me. When I asked him what they were he said they were just vitamins but they weren’t labelled.

Jack only works part time, in a bar and he recently bought a new car. He couldn’t have afforded a BMW on his salary and when I questioned him about it, he said the car was on finance. To be honest, I don’t think he could afford it on finance either.

I decided to go into his room and can see he has lots of new clothes as well. I’m really worried that he is selling illegal steroids at the gym.  I’m equally stressed about the health implications of him taking them. . If he is caught drug dealing in Newcastle he’ll go to prison. I haven’t told our parents as I think they’d be devastated but I think he needs help. Could a lie detector test show if he’s abusing drugs and selling them?

M. L., Newcastle

Response from North East Polygraph Examiner

As you are probably aware anabolic steroids are sometimes used to increase muscle mass. If they are prescribed by a doctor you brother won’t have a problem.  However from what you describe they don’t appear to be. Used over time they are addictive and side effects can be very serious.

The danger of misusing these drugs cannot be understated. In males they can cause infertility, acne, hair loss and prostate cancer to name just a few side effects.

The law

As a class C drug anabolic steroids can only be sold on prescription.  If caught in possession of them, and they are for personal use, your brother won’t necessarily be committing a crime.  This is because they can be imported but only if he personally buys them from abroad and brings them into the country.  It’s not possible to have them mailed, or couriered to him.  Do you know where he is getting the drugs?  However, if he is caught with them the police will make a judgment as to whether the quantity he has is for personal use.

Even if he is personally importing them, he is not allowed to sell or supply them to anyone else.  It is a criminal offence to do so, even if he gives them to his friends rather than sells them.  If prosecuted and convicted he runs the risk of up to 14 years in jail and/or an unlimited fine.  As you say, if he is caught drug dealing in Newcastle (or anywhere else for that matter)he could easily go to prison.

For more information about anabolic steroid use click here

Addiction or drug dealing in Newcastle

It’s not uncommon for addicts to fund their own habits by selling and/or importing/running drugs for dealers. This is not only dangerous from a potential criminal record point of view but also by association.  Once involved with drug dealers it is very hard to get away from them.

A lie detector test can help you establish the truth but how easy it will be to get your brother to take one is debatable.

You can call our free helpline on 07572 748364 if you find it difficult to persuade your brother to take the test.  Our customer service representative will be able to give you some advice as to how best to achieve this.

For your own peace of mind you need to know the truth before you can work out what you should do next.