Q:Do you have a Belfast Lie Detector Test Examiner who can help with a horse purchase I made?

I recently bought a horse. She was very expensive and came from a reputable dealer. The first issue was that she was lame after riding her for the first time. I called the vet and they said her shoes had been nailed in too much. The breeder had told me she was 4 but the vet says she’s approximately 10 years old. I contacted the dealer and he said she wasn’t lame when she was sold so he wouldn’t take any responsibility for it. He also told me the vet must be mistaken about her age.

I’ve had to call the vet out to her 4 times now and most of the issues they’ve said are long term problems and couldn’t have happened within the few weeks I’ve had her. After speaking to the breeder, he said the vet was wrong.

He organised for his own vet to come out and he has told me the horse is perfectly healthy but I fear he is a friend of the breeder. Due to the amount of money I paid for her, I’m considering taking the breeder to small claims to try and recoup some of the finances I’ve paid for her and her treatment.

The whole issue exasperates me and I suggested in anger that the breeder took a lie detector test.  He said he would be more than happy to do that but at my expense. Do you think this is a good idea? I’m not sure it can be used in evidence in court if I did get the breeder to do it but surely it would help my case.

E. D., Belfast

Response from Belfast Lie Detector Test Examiner

Before purchasing a horse it’s always wise to do some research on the internet.  There are innumerable pages of advice one of which you can see by clicking on Horse and Hound.

As a Belfast Lie Detector Test Examiner, I can tell you that I have conducted polygraph examinations about horse matters before.  The fact that a dealer is more than willing to take a test doesn’t necessarily mean he is telling you the truth.  Many people believe they can fool us and the test.  They are invariably wrong.

A polygraph test will prove whether he is being dishonest or not.  In terms of whether the results can be used in court will depend on the judge presiding over the case.  There is nothing stopping you or your solicitor mentioning them in court.

I see no reason why your own vet would lie to you so, if the dealer is willing, I have no problem in conducting the test.  If the results prove deception, it may be that the dealer will settle the matter out of court.

More information

If you’d like to discuss the case further please contact us on our Free Helpline on 07572 748364. Your call will naturally remain confidential.  Please let our customer service staff know that you have had your question answered by the Belfast Lie Detector Test Examiner.

Source: Lie Detector Test Ireland