This year our client, Brendan, will be enjoying Christmas significantly more than he has over the past 3 years. This is due to the Yorkshire lie detector test he took last year.
Brendan’s Case
It was getting to the time that Brendan dreaded every year, Christmas. Where all the family sat down to eat Christmas dinner and swap the gifts they’d bought under duress. It wasn’t the fabulous feast his mother always cooked up but the time he had to spend with people who thought he’d stolen money from them.
Out in the cold
His sister, Carla and her husband Steve had accused him of taking money out of their bank account a two years prior and it had put a strain on the family. They’d go as far as not to leave their wallet or handbag in the same room as him at family gatherings. And they made snide comments when their parents weren’t listening.
It had all started when Brendan had been sent to the cashpoint with Carla’s card when they were out on a night out. She was in the bar, it was late and so he’d offered to avoid her having to go. It was the middle of December and he didn’t want her to get cold. He’d only withdrawn what she’d told him to but weeks later she’d said there were two transactions on the same night for £125. Brendan knew he’d only taken £125 out and he’d handed it straight to her, along with her card.
Too drunk to remember
Brendan said she must have withdrawn additional money out on the way home. Maybe she was so drunk she couldn’t remember why she’d taken it out or what she’d done with it. Carla said she wouldn’t have and she didn’t have it when she arrived home, so he must have taken it. After that the whole family thought Brendan was a liar and he’d had enough.
Last year he contacted us for a Yorkshire lie detector test. He’d asked for the test to be done and the results sent by post to his parents’ house, addressed to Carla. Brendan told his mother not to give the envelope to her until the gifts were being distributed.
A gift to remember
Sitting around the tree, they were all given their gifts. Carla mumbled something about her brother not having the money to buy her a proper gift as she was handed her envelope. She opened it and was shocked to see the results of the polygraph test. Brendan asked her to read aloud the gift she had received. Red faced and embarrassed, Carla read out the results of the Yorkshire lie detector test. It proved Brendan hadn’t taken the money. It also proved he had never stolen from any of his family and he didn’t know where the money had gone.
Too little too late
The apologies over the Christmas dinner table came thick and fast, but for Brendan it was clear that most of the family had believed Carla’s version of events. The apologies were too late for him, although he did accept Carla’s offer to refund him the cost of the test in. He refused to go to the cashpoint to withdraw the money when his sister handed him her card. It was cold outside but no colder than his sister had been towards him.
Christmas will be different this year for Brendan. He has invited his parents his house to have dinner with him and his family. Christmas from now on will be enjoyable and on his terms.
Yorkshire lie detector test
If, like Brendan, you have been accused of something you didn’t do and it’s making your life miserable contact us. We administer polygraph examinations all over Yorkshire and Humberside as well as nationwide. Our helpline is free (07572 748364) with sympathetic customer service personnel waiting for your call. Alternatively you can reserve a test online utilising the secure booking system on our website.