Will a Worksop Lie Detector Test reveal Suicidal Tendencies?
This enquiry for a Worksop lie detector test, related to suicidal tendencies, was handled by one of our East Midlands polygraph examiners
Q: Hello there, I’m writing to ask if a lie detector test could reveal suicidal tendencies.
My brother has always suffered with depression but blames it on the death of our father a few years ago. He has been taking antidepressants for as long as I can remember and has been in hospital a few times. He contacted me recently to collect him from hospital and when I asked why he was there he said he’d had a fall at work. I’m close friends with his boss who knew nothing about it when I mentioned it to him. I am not down as my brother’s next of kin, so was not contacted when he was admitted. I’ve asked his ex-partner to let me know if he is ever taken into hospital but she didn’t on this occasion.
He was coping until he split from her. She is lovely but couldn’t deal with my brother’s mood swings. Now, he says he wants to end it all whenever he gets drunk but when I pull him for it, he says it’s just the drink talking. I’ve asked him to speak to his doctor about how he’s feeling, as I really don’t think the pills he’s on are helping, but he says there’s nothing wrong.
He stays in most of the time and drinks alone, it’s so worrying. I’d like to book a lie detector test in Worksop to get the truth out of him but will it actually tell me what I want to know?
M. R., Worksop
Response from East Midlands Polygraph Examiner
Many people suffering from depression don’t like to admit to having suicidal tendencies for a variety of reasons. These can include feelings of weakness, guilt or shame. They may be concerned about telling their GP because this may result in them being sectioned or a reduction in the amount of pills prescribed. If they are prescribed medication in small doses, they will have to visit the GP more often and have the inconvenience of going to the chemist more often.
Admitting suicidal tendencies to those close to them is difficult too. Friends and relatives may invade their privacy, not leaving them alone for fear they may commit suicide.
If your brother believes he needs help he may find it easy to speak with a polygraph examiner. It is someone he doesn’t know and is never likely to meet again. Opening up to a stranger is much easier, especially one that is non-judgemental and unbiased. A polygraph examination will reveal whether or not he has or has had suicidal tendencies.
Your problem will be to convince him to take a lie detector test. If you would like some tips on how to persuade him please call our confidential, free helpline (07572 748364). Our friendly customer service personnel will be happy to share their knowledge with you.
Worksop lie detector test
You can book a lie detector test in Worksop via our secure online booking system. But feel free to contact us if you’d like to discuss the matter further.
Suicide help
If you know anyone who has suicidal tendencies there is plenty of help available if you can convince them to take it. In the UK the following numbers are useful, not only for those considering suicide but also for family and friends support services.
Supportline – 01708 765200
Mind – click here for helplines and support services
Young Minds – click here to visit the Young Minds website where you will find a range of support services for young people
Samaritans – call free 116 123