Relationships can be full of insecurities for many different reasons. This enquiry for a lie detector test in Ramsgate was handled by one of our London polygraph examiners and reveals a tangled mess.
Q: Will a Lie Detector Test in Ramsgate reveal if my Partner is still cheating?
When I got together with my partner 17 years ago I had reservations. My life was complicated. I was married to an alcoholic and had been having an affair with someone for several years. That someone was married but when my divorce came through, we had planned for her to leave her husband and we would be together.
Then I met Carla. At 25 she was 17 years younger than me and a divorced mum with two young sons. I fell ‘hook, line and sinker’ for her and she for me. I have to admit to behaving badly during the first couple of years we were seeing each other. Spending some time at my marital home to ensure my own son was OK with his mother and seeing my girlfriend periodically. The remainder of my time I spent with Carla.
She was quite naturally insecure about our relationship and demanded that I give up my girlfriend and stop staying at my marital home. Eventually, after much heartache I moved in with Carla.
I became close to the children and pushed Carla to achieve those things she wanted to in her career. She got a job with a holiday firm and that meant she spent a lot of time away from home. She didn’t tell me she was having affairs, I just knew she was. In fact I think they were more casual sexual encounters than affairs. Loving her as much as I did, I ignored them.
As time went by I think she became bored with the other men. It’s almost as though once she got them she didn’t want them anymore. She seems to have settled down now but she’s pestering me to get married and I am reluctant.
She is still young and I am getting older. I’m not sure that she won’t meet someone else that she falls in love with and then we’ll end up with a divorce. There is still doubt in my mind as to whether or not she is cheating occasionally.
We live in Kent and I wonder whether you can conduct a lie detector test in Ramsgate. If you can, will it help me find out what her true intentions are and whether she is still cheating on me?
H. L., Ramsgate
Response from Greater London Polygraph Examiner
To directly answer your question we can administer a lie detector test in Ramsgate either at your home, or in our office. Certainly it will help establish whether or not your partner is still being unfaithful. However, in terms of her true intentions they are not so easy to prove. Her intentions today may be very different tomorrow.
From what you have written it seems that both of you have insecurities and should seek some form of counselling before you commit to marriage. You’ve been together for 17 years so waiting a little longer is hardly likely to make a great difference.
The early days of your relationship may have affected your partner more than you know. Women have particularly long memories in relation to infidelity. Conversely you have ignored her infidelity. Is that because you feel guilty about your own behaviour at the beginning of your relationship with Carla?
Before booking a polygraph test, it would be useful for you to call me to discuss your situation in more detail. Our helpline is free (07572 748364). Naturally anything we discuss will be confidential. Please let our customer service representative know that you’ve been asked by the Greater London polygraph examiner to call?