Where there’s a Will there’s a way with a Stratford Lie Detector Test
When our client’s father died he knew there was a Will but his two brothers said there wasn’t one. He ordered a Stratford lie detector test to establish the truth.
Craig’s Case
When Craig’s father died it wasn’t unexpected. Joe had been ill for some time with terminal cancer. At 90 years of age, the old man hadn’t wanted to leave the house he’d lived in all his life. The house in which Craig’s mother had died 22 years ago. So Craig arranged for round the clock nursing care at home for him and paid for it.
He’d taken time out of his busy executive schedule to stay with Joe during the final two weeks of his life. As his father drew his last breath Craig suddenly realised that his status had changed. He was now officially an orphan and it felt odd. He wanted to cry but felt numb, cold and alone. His brothers, Lyndon and Peter, hadn’t been in time to say their last goodbyes, arriving over an hour after the death.
Last Will and Testament
Craig knew that Joe had made a Will. It was handwritten and he’d made it after Craig’s mother had died. Since two neighbours had been asked in to witness it, Craig remembered it well. He didn’t know the contents of it but clearly it would have to be found. Lyndon and Peter said they had no idea where it was. A search of the rambling old house yielded nothing. His brothers, who were both financially irresponsible, seemed singularly uninterested in it. Craig thought this was suspicious.
Once the funeral was over, he contacted his solicitor for some advice. He learned that if the Will couldn’t be found or a notarised copy of it, then legally Joe would have died intestate. However, the solicitor would check with the Probate Registry to ascertain if it had been registered there. It didn’t take long to ascertain that it wasn’t.
One of the private nurses who had attended to his father phoned one morning to ask how Craig was. He told her he was as well as could be expected in the circumstances and also mentioned the difficulties he was having in finding the Will. The nurse told him that Lyndon had once collected some papers from Joe’s desk not long before he had died. Perhaps the Will had been among them she said.
Stratford lie detector test
When Craig phoned Lyndon he asked him to look for the Will among the papers he’d taken away from Joe’s home. Initially he denied taking anything out of their father’s house, until he was told what the nurse had said. Then he miraculously remembered taking away some utility bills to ensure they had been paid. This didn’t have the ring of truth about it at all since all utility bills were paid by direct debit.
Craig asked his brother why he was lying and they had a heated debate with Lyndon denying that he was lying. The corporation Craig worked for used lie detector tests for screening and he told Lyndon he wanted him to take one. If he didn’t he was going to go to the police to report the Will stolen.
Contacting us to book a Stratford lie detector test, Craig explained the situation to our West Midlands Polygraph Examiner. Between them they formulated exactly the right questions to get the answers Craig needed.
However, in the pre-test interview Lyndon ‘confessed’ to our West Midlands polygraph examiner that he’d accidentally destroyed the Will. He hadn’t said anything to his brothers because he knew how upset they would be. Not only was Lyndon being deceptive during the polygraph examination about is knowledge of the Will and its whereabouts, he’d also lied about “accidentally destroying the Will”.
When Craig and Peter got the Stratford lie detector test results they told Lyndon they wanted the truth. It transpired that Lyndon was not a beneficiary of the Will. He removed it because if his father was believed to have died intestate, then he would get his share.
His two brothers told him that he need never have gone to these lengths. They would have shared the inheritance with him, whether he was included in the Will or not. Maybe their father didn’t believe that blood was thicker than water, but they did.
Lyndon felt ashamed of what he’d done. His brothers forgave him and probate of the Will is now in progress.