Q: Can your Swansea Polygraph Examiner find out if my ex is spreading false allegations about me?
18 months ago, I split with the father of my two children. He was abusive and not only hit me but the children as well. I got an injunction against him and he had to go to court. He was sentenced to 6 months in prison and an anger management course. He is now only able to see the children in a contact centre due to the history of violence.
The reason I’m contacting you is that since he’s been out of prison, I’ve had several visits from social services. The first accusing me of hitting my children and then them being dirty and underfed. I’ve also been accused of swearing at my children in the street. None of this is true and the first couple of times I thought it might be my neighbours. They always got on so well with my ex and didn’t believe me when they were confronted with the truth. I now think the person making all these false accusations is my ex. He once said that if he couldn’t have the children in his life then neither should I. This took place on one of the supervised visits. I’m sure I could make him take the test, as interfering with their wellbeing would be against the court’s order. If he refuses to take it then I already have my answer. My children’s safety and happiness means more to me than anything, they need a fresh start. What do you think, could you help me?
B.D., Swansea
Swansea Polygraph Examiner response
Domestic abuse in all its forms is abhorrent and especially so, when children are involved.
Often when domestic abusers are released from prison in England and Wales, a condition of such release is that they undergo periodic lie detector tests? Is your solicitor able to find out if this condition applies to your ex?
If it doesn’t, then of course I can help. However, you say that you can make him take the test as he would be in breach of the court order. Might that not cause him to refuse since if he is found to have broken the conditions of the court order he would possibly be returned to prison? Or are you considering using the test as a lever to threaten him with informing the court?
Call me on our Free Helpline – 07572 748364, to discuss the matter further. We will be able to advise you as to the best way to persuade your ex to submit to the test. Mention to our customer service advisor that you have had a response to your question.
As a Swansea polygraph examiner I have conducted innumerable polygraph examinations related to domestic abuse. The safety of you and your children is paramount and the sooner you resolve this situation the better.