Southampton Polygraph Examiner deals with Theft Enquiry

We have noticed a sharp rise in enquiries from parents worried that their children may be stealing during the past year.  Our Southampton Polygraph Examiner dealt with this one.

Q: Would a lie detector test help me find out if my son is stealing?

I am concerned my son is stealing from the local sports shop and I was wondering if a lie detector test could help.  It all started when I saw an expensive football shirt in his room a few months ago. He told me it was a fake and he’d got it from a friend.  I believed him but now I’m not so sure.

There hasn’t been anything in his room out of the ordinary until last week. I was trying to get his washing together and found a pair of Adidas tracksuit bottoms. They weren’t the new kind that you can pick up quite cheaply but the old retro kind, which cost a fortune. I know the local sports shop sells them and I’d be devastated if I found out he’d stolen them.

It all fits into place. He had something in his room prior to lockdown and now the sports shop is open again, there is something else. I know he hasn’t got the money for this. He doesn’t work but his dad and I pay him to do odd chores around the house. We know exactly the money he has and therefore he’s either stealing or worse. Can you do a lie detector test in Southampton and if so, will it help me get to the bottom of it?

C. S., Southampton

Response from Southampton Polygraph Examiner

If your son is 16 years or more we can help.  Shoplifting at an early age, needs to be nipped in the bud quickly.  Youngsters, who get away with stealing once, may continue to do it right up until they are caught.  And when they are caught they can easily acquire criminal records which aren’t great for their future employment opportunities.

We are currently administering residential lie detector tests in Southampton. With so much uncertainty regarding the level of danger posed by Covid-19, we prefer not to endanger our clients by insisting they come to our offices.  The least they come into contact with other people the better.

Our polygraph examiners have all tested negative for the virus and are equipped with high quality PPE.  Our equipment is sterilised before and after use.

Booking a lie detector test in Southampton

You can make a reservation for a test using our secure online booking system.  However, if you’d like further advice please don’t hesitate to contact our free helpline.  Let our customer care representative know that you have already received some advice from the Southampton Polygraph Examiner.