As established polygraph service providers throughout the UK we have noticed the type of polygraph test required by our clients varies from area to area. Here are the top reasons people book a South West lie detector test.
1. Infidelity
There is a lot of cheating in the South West with our Infidelity lie detector test being the most sought after. Suspicion breeds mistrust and if left to fester can render relationships irreparable. With a proliferation of dating apps, some specifically catering for married people looking for clandestine affairs, temptation is out there. Some websites publish an annual infidelity index outlining in which areas they have the most members. Not long after publication calls for our South West lie detector test escalate.
Constant arguments caused by suspicion are emotionally draining. Quite often the suspicion is unjustified so the falsely accused partner feels rightly aggrieved. A quick and easy method of proving you are not cheating is to take a polygraph test.
2. Drug Addiction
It’s not widely known that our polygraph examiners are all fully qualified forensic psychologists. Our work in drug addiction relates mainly to getting addicts to acknowledge that they have a problem. Usually many things have happened before they finally come to us.
In some cases parents are worried about sons or daughters misusing drugs. Other bookings come from husbands or wives concerned about the effect drugs are having on their relationships. Sometimes friends or family members book a South West lie detector test for someone close to them. In all cases denial prompts the reservation.
Until a user is ready to admit they have an addiction, seeking treatment is futile. Making such an admission to a person close to them is often challenging for addicts. The fear of recriminations and feelings of guilt are often overwhelming. This particularly applies when the addiction has caused problems for others around them. Losing their job and getting into financial difficulties not only exacerbates the situation but affects every aspect of their lives. They often feel too ashamed to tell their GP.
A polygraph examiner is somebody they have never met and will possibly never meet again. It’s much easier opening up to a complete stranger who is not directly involved and is non-judgemental. When the results confirm there is a problem the addict will invariably take the first step to seek treatment.
3. Alcohol abuse
Alcohol addiction doesn’t happen overnight but there is no set timeline as to how long it takes for a person to become alcohol dependent. Often people don’t realise they are addicted until alcoholism has become advanced. Early symptoms of developing alcohol dependency include:
- Having to consume larger amounts of alcohol to achieve the same effect
- Needing alcohol to wind down from the stresses of work or life in general
- Finding excuses for drinking throughout the day as opposed to usual hours
- Continuing to drink despite it causing problems at work, at home or socially
- Not being able to control or limit the amount of alcohol you are drinking
- Avoiding events where alcohol is not available
- Experiencing withdrawal symptoms after you have stopped drinking for a few hours. Symptoms vary but can include shaking hands, anxiety, headaches, nausea, excessive perspiration and sometimes insomnia.
In the same way as drug addiction, denial precedes a visit to a polygraph examiner. Our South West lie detector test service deals with a high volume of tests related to alcohol abuse.
South West lie detector test
In addition to being highly qualified forensic psychologists our polygraph examiners are fully accredited by the APA (American Polygraph Association). Tests can be booked online using our secure reservation system. There is a choice of locations throughout the South West of England allowing you choose one that is within easy distance from where you live.
You can learn more about our polygraph services and the comprehensive range of tests we conduct for all forms of dishonesty by visiting our website. Alternatively, if you have a specific issue you are concerned about, please call our free helpline.