Experience Scotland's Most Advanced and Accurate Lie Detector Test

Available for just £695, all-inclusive. A reasonable price for the most reliable and effective way to move beyond uncertainty.

If you require a lie detector test in Scotland for issues such as infidelity, false accusations, or theft, you can make your booking online through our secure reservation system

Discover Scotland’s Premier and Most Precise Lie Detector Testing

Lie Detector Test available in Scotland at our controlled office locations in Edinburgh and Glasgow




Controlled Office Location in Glasgow or Ediburgh

We help you get the truth

3 Specific Issue Questions

Profiling questions

Test duration: up to 2 hours

Free consultation provided

Client confidentiality

Pre-examination assessment

Detailed written test report provided

£125 non refundable booking fee required




Controlled Office Location in Glasgow or Ediburgh

We help you get the truth

Minimum 2 people

3 Specific Issue Questions (per test)

Profiling Questions

Test Duration: up to 2 hours per test

Free consultation provided

Client confidentiality

Pre-examination assessment

Detailed written test report provided

£125 non refundable booking fee required



Per Test, all-inclusive

Controlled Office Location in Glasgow or Ediburgh

We help you get the truth

Minimum 3 people

Same day / next day service

3 Specific Issue Questions (per test)

Profiling questions

Test Duration: up to 2 hours per test

Free consultation provided

Client confidentiality

Pre-examination assessment

Detailed written test report provided

£125 non refundable booking fee required

Secure Online Booking

Use our secure online booking system to request your preferred date, time and location for a lie detector test in Scotland.

Date and Location - Step 1 of 4

Please use our simple booking system below to make a private test booking.

The offices where we conduct lie detector tests, near to clients, are based on previous use and verified as being suitable. Our controlled offices are available for lie detector tests Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

If you require any assistance with your online booking or have any further questions, please contact our support team on 07572 748364

To proceed and confirm your booking we will require upfront payment of £125 deposit (non-refundable booking fee)

The non-refundable booking fee confirms the customer’s intention to proceed with the booking and is used to cover costs we will have incurred, such as travel and venue expenses.

The booking fee is paid at the moment of the booking and then subtracted from the total to be paid a minimum of 48 hours before the test.

The nature of our work requires our examiners to be flexible and involves travel time and costs. Therefore we require a £125 non-refundable booking fee payment when you book your appointment.

The payment is non-refundable to ensure that the subject does in fact intend to take the test.

Without these measures in place, there is a temptation for a guilty party to book a test as proof that they have nothing to hide, and subsequently cancel the booking. Please be sure you or the test taker can, and intend to make the appointment when you book with us

We are a highly mobile polygraph service for client convenience, making ourselves available days, nights and weekends. This mobility requires us to be efficient in fee collection and scheduling. We would not be able to keep our fees so reasonable if after driving several hours, an examinee decided not to show up, leaving us with no work, no income and a long drive home. For these reasons, we do require £125 non-refundable booking fee WHEN you make your appointment.

Once an appointment is made, fees are non-refundable. You may certainly call for a free consultation at any time, we simply ask that you not schedule an appointment until you are certain you can make that appointment.


Infidelity and Relationship Specialists


Easy & Secure Online Booking System

Secure office locations in Glasgow and Edinburgh


Accurate and Methodological


Direct from APA Accredited & Certified Examiners

Edinburgh Lie Detector Test

When Sharon got her certificate in TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) her husband, John, was proud of her.  He never imagined it would lead to an Edinburgh lie detector test.

Lie Detector Tests in Glasgow peak for Gambling Addiction

It’s no coincidence that we have more clients taking lie detector tests in Glasgow as the city is top of the list for gambling addiction. Fixed odds betting terminals are a particular problem nationwide.

Case Study | Lie Detector Test in Ayr exposes Infidelity

When our client booked a lie detector test in Ayr for her boyfriend, her mother found the results predictable.  But our client was heartbroken. Jayda’s Case Jayda had thought about booking a polygraph test for her boyfriend, Ross, on a number of occasions. He was a...

Campaigners Demand Sex Offenders take Lie Detector Tests in Scotland

In England and Wales serious sex offenders, including paedophiles, who are released on licence are legally obliged to take bi annual lie detector tests on request. If they refuse, they are re- incarcerated. Now campaigners are calling for sex offenders to take lie...

The Hotspot for Infidelity in Scotland

According to illicitencounters.com, the dating website dedicated to people looking for affairs outside marriage, Inverness is the hotspot for infidelity in Scotland. The site produces an annual infidelity index and the 2017 edition was certainly...

Suspicions of Gay Infidelity in Glasgow cause Anxiety

Many enquiries we receive relate to doubts about infidelity when one partner doesn’t appear to be as committed as the other.  Suspicions of gay infidelity in Glasgow caused this worried partner to write to us.

Infidelity Suspicions lead to Aberdeen Lie Detector Test

One of the best ways to wreck a relationship is to allow infidelity suspicions to fester.  Our client booked an Aberdeen lie detector test in the hope they would be dispelled.

Lie Detector Test in Ayr exposes Infidelity

When our client booked a lie detector test in Ayr for her boyfriend, her mother found the results predictable.  But our client was heartbroken.

Lie Detector Test in Glasgow

It’s rare that we get a request from a teenager to book a lie detector test in Glasgow or anywhere else for that matter. However, last week with the help of her father, a 16 year old arranged a test for herself.

Aberdeen Polygraph Examiner responds to Theft or Sugar Daddy Query

When teenagers come home with new items that they can’t possibly afford, it’s natural that parents worry. Our Aberdeen Polygraph Examiner responded to a concerned mother.

Lie Detector Test in Scotland

Our polygraph examiners in Scotland use state of the art lie detector technology to verify the truth and expose deceit. They handle a myriad of cases every year involving a diverse range of problems. Highly trained and accredited by the American Polygraph Association (APA), our examiners are qualified forensic psychologists.

Polygraph services

Lie Detector Test UK can help you to uncover the truth and identify dishonesty in almost any situation where the truth needs to be found. We work within both the private and commercial sectors. Highly professional and completely confidential our services encompass recruitment, employment, security, intelligence, addiction, medical and family matters.

We are employed by private individuals, government bodies and commercial clients including banks and insurers.

False insurance claims

The myth that insurance providers are so rich they can afford to pay out on fraudulent claims is often cited for making them. The reality is that customer premiums increase affecting hundreds of thousands annually. Our polygraph examiners work closely with insurance providers who have had the foresight to include lie detector test clauses in their policies.


A large part of our work nationwide relates to cases of infidelity. Lie detector tests in Scotland are now affordable to the many and not just the few. If you suspect you partner is cheating, we have the technology and expertise to find out.

Pre-employment screening

CVs may give you a lot of information about job applicants’ education, experience and qualifications. You may get excellent references from the people the candidates have provided. Who would give you the contact details of a previous employer who wasn’t going to give you a good reference? Job seekers are notorious for embellishing their CVs. Our commercial clients learn not only if the information provided is true but also whether anything is missing from a resume. In addition aspect of a candidate’s character will surface in lie detector test results. Thorough background checks that include polygraph screening provide employers with the most honest employees they can hope to get.


Whether something has been stolen from your home or from the workplace, our polygraph examiners in Scotland, will work relentlessly to identify the culprit. The results are invariably available within 24 hours. The polygraph provides objective solutions for those who have been falsely accused of theft too.

Domestic and Sexual abuse

We have specialist polygraph examiners for domestic and sexual abuse cases. We conduct lie detector tests in Scotland, completely impartially for victims and survivors of many forms of abuse. We also help with cases where people have been falsely accused of committing domestic or sexual abuse or indeed any other allegation that simply isn’t true.

What can a lie detector test in Scotland do for you?

If you would like to learn more about our expertise and track record in uncovering the best and worst of truths, contact us on the numbers below. Alternatively you can go straight to secure online booking where you can choose your desired location for a lie detector test in Scotland. Our secure, controlled offices can be found in all major towns and cities including Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen.

Edinburgh Lie Detector Test

When Sharon got her certificate in TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) her husband, John, was proud of her.  He never imagined it would lead to an Edinburgh lie detector test.

Edinburgh lie detector test, infidelity

Case Study | Lie Detector Test in Ayr exposes Infidelity

When our client booked a lie detector test in Ayr for her boyfriend, her mother found the results predictable.  But our client was heartbroken. Jayda’s Case Jayda had thought about booking a polygraph test for her boyfriend, Ross, on a number of occasions. He was a...

Maidstone- polygraph-examination-dispels-Infidelity-Allegation

The Hotspot for Infidelity in Scotland

According to illicitencounters.com, the dating website dedicated to people looking for affairs outside marriage, Inverness is the hotspot for infidelity in Scotland. The site produces an annual infidelity index and the 2017 edition was certainly...

Lie Detector Test in Glasgow

It’s rare that we get a request from a teenager to book a lie detector test in Glasgow or anywhere else for that matter. However, last week with the help of her father, a 16 year old arranged a test for herself.

lie detector test in Glasgow, polygraph results

Lie Detector Test for Infidelity in Aberdeen

Whenever there is a bank holiday, or any other holiday period due, our polygraph examiners are always busy with the lie detector test for Infidelity in Aberdeen.  Here is one of our case studies that didn’t have a happy ending.

Lie detector test for infidelity , polygraph test