Rotherham Lie Detector Test Query about Excessive Texting
Our Northwest Polygraph Examiner responded to this query for a Rotherham lie detector test. It comes from a woman who has found at least 500 texts and messages to other women on her husband’s phone.
Q: Will a lie detector test prove if my husband is lying to me about the texts I have found on his phone?
I have long believed that my husband is addicted to his phone but now I wonder if he is also addicted to texting other women.
My husband was taken into hospital when he experienced severe Covid like symptoms. Everything happened in such a hurry that his phone was left behind when he was taken away in the ambulance.
When I got home from the hospital his phone kept pinging with dozens of text and WhatsApp messages. Luckily it had no password on it, or I would never have learned what I did.
The messages were from several women and of a sexual nature. They had obviously received pictures of a certain part of his anatomy since many commented on the size of it!
I angrily texted a few of them back asking if they knew they were interacting with a married man. None replied and after a while I gave up.
When he was released from hospital, I threw his phone at him and asked him to explain what was going on. He told me his phone had been hacked.
It is true to say that I couldn´t find a photo of his penis on the phone, which he was quick to point out, but then he could have deleted it couldn’t he? To be frank, I just don’t believe him about the hacking.
If I book a lie detector test in Rotherham for him, will it establish the truth of the matter?
J. M., Rotherham
Response from Northwest Polygraph Examiner
A polygraph examination will determine whether there is any deception in the answers to the questions posed.
When booking the Rotherham lie detector test, you should provide us with as much information as you can so that we can formulate questions designed to give you the answers you are looking for.
If your husband isn’t telling you the truth you may meet some resistance from him regarding taking a test. It’s best to get his agreement before booking because the deposit is non refundable if he fails to turn up.
You might want to consider calling our free helpline on 07572 748364. Our customer care team can give you some tips on how to convince or persuade him to take a test.
You can book the polygraph examination to be conducted at your home, provided our environmental conditions are met. These include the provision of a quiet room and no interruptions of any type while the test is in progress. We suggest that if others are living in the house that they go out for a couple of hours. It takes around 2 hours for a test to be completed, including the pre-test interview.
If you decide to call, please mention that the Northwest Polygraph Examiner advised you to do so.