Romford polygraph test proves drug addiction
A Romford polygraph test proved drug addiction. Jason came to Lie Detector Test UK worried that his girlfriend Cass had developed a drug addiction. Here is Jason’s story and how he got the answers he needed to help his girlfriend.
The beginning
Jason met Cass when the pair both starting working at a computer software company. Cass worked in telesales whilst Jason worked in the technology development department. The pair immediately hit it off during their induction workshops, and Jason asked Cass out on a date at the end of their first week. The pair have been dating over three years now, and moved in together during lockdown.
Suspicion starts
Both of the couple were working from home during the pandemic. Jason recalls that this is when he first noticed that something wasn’t right with Cass. He says that she started to become aggressive towards him, becoming argumentative quickly. She also started sleeping more, and eating less. Jason put the changed behaviours down to the stress of the pandemic, but one day when he was cleaning the house, he found a suspicious bag of white powder in Cass’s clothes drawer.
Cass was out walking the dog whilst Jason cleaned the house, so he confronted her about the bag of powder when she returned. Cass said it was a friend’s bag of drugs and she was looking after it because her friend’s partner didn’t know about her taking drugs. Jason told Cass he didn’t want the bag in their house and asked her to take it straight back to her friend, she agreed she would get rid of it by the weekend.
More suspicious drugs
However, a week later Jason decided to check to see if he could find the bag when Cass went out on a walk again. He didn’t find the bag anywhere, but he did find non-prescription drugs stashed away in a handbag belonging to Cass that was shoved at the back of the wardrobe. The pills included Valium, a sleeping drug. He decided enough was enough and that he wasn’t sure if Cass was telling the truth. He rang his friend Tom and confided in them. Tom redirected Jason to Lie Detector Test UK, recommending our polygraph services as we helped him settle accusations made against his fiancé.
The Test
Jason rang our Romford office and booked a test on behalf of Cass for the following week. When Cass got back, Jason said he had found more suspicious drugs and wanted her to take a lie detector test to settle his concerns. Cass was shocked and upset but she agreed to take the test.
The following week Cass turned up with Jason at our Romford offices and took her test. The test showed she was lying. She broke down in tears and confessed to Jason that she had been “Dabbling” in drugs since the lockdown started. She agreed she needed help and said she was going to seek counselling to help her with the stress and depression she had developed during lockdown. Jason agreed he would stand by her whilst she got the help she needed. The pair are grateful to Lie Detector Test UK for their support and professionalism in their case.
If you suspect a loved one or friend has a drug addiction then  book your test online today. You can also call us on our free helpline on 07572 748364.