Redditch Polygraph Examiner answers Enquiry regarding Drug Addiction
This is one of the many drug addiction enquiries we received during the coronavirus lockdown. Our Redditch polygraph examiner answered it.
Q: Do you have a Redditch polygraph examiner who can help with an addiction problem?
I’m writing as I really don’t know where to turn. I put my daughter Gabrielle into rehab for 6 months. It wasn’t cheap and thankfully my husband has a good job, so we were able to send her to one of the most well-known residential clinics in the country. Gabrielle had fallen in with the wrong crowd and started to take heroin, and to be honest we blamed ourselves. At 25 she’s never had to work and could pretty much have anything she wanted. She’s been spoilt and we had to take some responsibility for what happened as a result of our over indulgence.
She came out just before the lockdown happened. We were happy because being back in the family unit we hoped she wouldn’t feel isolated and could start integrating back into life gradually. We all agreed – my husband, the doctors and her siblings that this was a good idea for everyone.
Initially she stayed in during the lockdown but now the restrictions have been eased, she is going out a lot. She doesn’t come home till late and although she looks okay, I think she’s up to her old tricks. I’ve searched her bedroom and found nothing, but money has gone missing out of my purse and a few bits of jewellery too. We haven’t given her any access to money because we thought she’d spend it on drugs. It now appears that she is stealing things to fund a habit.
She was always very good at hiding when she was on drugs and it worries me that her time in rehab may have given her a few new ideas. I’ve asked her and she cries and says we’ll never trust her again no matter what she does. I feel guilty but I need to know if she’s still clean. Do you think a lie detector test could help me get to the bottom of it? If she isn’t clean she needs to go back to rehab, but I just don’t want to put her back through it if she is telling the truth.
M.L., Redditch
Response from West Midlands Polygraph Examiner
In answer to your question, yes we do have a Redditch polygraph examiner who may be able to help your daughter.
As you may be aware, addicts are notorious for denying their addictions not only to those around them but also to themselves. Heroin is a particularly powerful addiction and incredibly dangerous.
Of course, when addicts have been through rehab some manage to keep clean for the rest of their lives. Others unfortunately don’t. One of the worst things that can happen is to continually accuse a reformed addict of using. It gives them an excuse to start again reasoning that if they are going to get into the same amount of trouble for not using, they might as well recommence the habit.
So, this is something that needs dealing with quickly.
Making an appointment with our Redditch Polygraph Examiner
You can book an appointment with our Redditch Polygraph examiner online, using our secure reservation system. However, if you would like to discuss your daughter’s heroin addiction further, please call our free helpline. You call will be kept completely confidential and you can learn about the process of the polygraph association.
Addiction needs to be handled sensitively and you can be assured that we will do so. We look forward to hearing from you and to helping your daughter by establishing the truth.