By popular demand we are publishing the first of our Politician Spotlight articles. We invite Anna Soubry to take a polygraph test in Nottingham. We do this because huge discrepancies in what she has said before and after the referendum have been drawn to our attention.
Who won the European Elections?
The results of the European Elections this week came as a surprise to many with a new party less than 3 months old winning the majority of seats. The Brexit Party gained 29 seats, more than any other party. The interpretation of that result has been diverse among politicians with some saying that Remain got the most votes and others saying that it is a clear message from the British public that they want to leave the EU. It is little wonder that people are confused.
The Remain side consider that most people voted for remain parties by adding together all the votes for parties who are standing on remain manifestos.
From the moment a referendum on membership of the European Union was broached it has caused immense division. There are people who want to Leave with a deal, those who still want to Leave even if a deal can’t be reached and those who want to Remain no matter what.
Confusion, subterfuge and lies
Remainers assert that Brexiteers didn’t know what they were voting for and phrases like ‘hard’ or ‘soft’ Brexit can be heard from politicians and the media on a daily basis. Over almost 3 years politicians have sought to confuse the public more by seemingly changing their stance on the issue.
For example, Anna Soubry during the first few months after the referendum said that she fully supported the decision of the electorate and that she was committed to leaving the EU. However over time, she has completely u-turned and now fully supports a second referendum. So much so, that she has left the Conservative Party and joined another new party called ChangeUK.
The ethos of ChangeUK is to have a second referendum and to remain in the EU. Formed in February this year, the party has eleven MPs (Members of Parliament). This is because those who joined ChangeUK left the Conservatives and Labour to form the new independent party. It is interesting to note that none of them is willing to call a by election to give their constituents the opportunity of voting for them on their current platform, yet they seek a second vote on EU membership.
Who is Anna Soubry?
62 year old Anna Soubry was the Conservative MP for Broxtowe, Nottinghamshire from 2010 until 2019 when she changed her allegiance to the ChangeUK party. She has retained her position as MP for the town of Broxtowe choosing not to call a by election given that she no longer represents the Conservative Party. Anna was badly criticised for not doing so when she hosted a radio show on LBC as you will hear in the video below:
We have looked at extensive footage of Anna Soubry, from speeches she has given in the House of Commons to interviews with the media. Here is some early footage not long after the referendum in which she states that she agrees with David Cameron that the referendum vote must be respected and that “you can’t go back on your word because you don’t agree with the result”.
We then came across a series of interviews and speeches that seem wholly contradictory as can be heard below:
Polygraph test in Nottingham
For the above reason we invite Anna Soubry to take a polygraph test in Nottingham or a location of her choice, to clear up what her real stance is on membership of the EU.
It has been suggested that all politicians should declare their interest in staying in the EU. This is not only their assertions that staying in the EU is better for the UK’s economy but also whether they have a pecuniary advantage in remaining.
We also invite our readers to submit questions they feel Ms Soubry should be asked. Comments are also welcome.
Ms Soubry can contact us on 07572 748364.