David was not surprised that she denied it all. The sexual harassment polygraph test in Newcastle was the solution, that he had thought he would never find. Maybe his future could be different after all.
David’s story
David had never heard of a sexual harassment lie detector test until he started his new job in Newcastle. He was flattered at first. He admitted he had played along with it at the beginning.
David was new in post – getting a lot of attention from the boss didn’t seem like a problem. That was until things started to get out of hand. It began with unnecessary touches during conversation. Then there were the personal questions that strayed from what was appropriate for your boss to ask.
Once event tickets started appearing in his pigeonhole and the constant calls to come to her office began. It was simply unbearable. His best friend Max told him about the polygraph test Newcastle.
At the time, David just felt overwhelmed. It was a brand new job. What was he supposed to do? He nodded along, but he didn’t feel like he had any rights as a new employee. So he carried on until it became too much. The requests to visit his boss’s office had become more and more uncomfortable.
Then one day she went too far
It was the last straw. David walked out of the office. That was four weeks ago. He hadn’t been able to go back. Work was threatening him with everything they had. David was too tired, too embarrassed and too ashamed. He felt like his career was ruined and there was nothing he could do about it.
It was Matt that got him out of it. He was furious at both David and the whole situation. He reminded David about the polygraph test in Newcastle. Matt told David what to do, how to deal with personnel and how to use the lie detector test in support of his case. He was there when David booked the test.
Polygraph test in Newcastle booked
David was relieved at how easy it was. Matt was right. The test was perfect for his situation and it could all be done without him having to be there on the day. Through David’s contributions to the examiner’s questions, he could say things that he would find difficult to express in public. His sense of shame about it all was crippling.
He wasn’t sure his boss would go for it, but he had a feeling that her cockiness would extend to taking the lie detector test. He was right. Apparently she laughed when it was suggested. The laughter didn’t last long.
His boss’s answers during the examination exposed how unprofessional she was. Regardless of David, her answers demonstrated a severe breech of her position.
Confidence restored
David couldn’t believe how quickly things changed at work. Within a couple of days she was gone – moved to another office and a different post. It was all hush, hush. No-one knew what had happened except David. He was back at work and enjoying his new job, for the first time.
If like David, you are unsure how a lie detector test could help you, contact us on: 07572 748364. We have a wide range of tests, administered by experienced polygraph examiners, to suit any situation. Call us today and let us help you to get things back on track.You can order a polygraph test in Newcastle or nationwide.