Q: Do you have a Newport Lie Detector Test service for drug addiction?
It seems a bit extreme to be contacting you for advice about a lie detector test but I really don’t know where else to turn. My husband has been a heroin addict for most of his life but assured me he’s now clean. He claims his last use was just before he married me two years ago. I knew he was using when we met as I was too, but my parents paid for us both to go into rehab. I wondered if you had a Newport Lie Detector Test service whether it could help me decide what to do.
I’d lost a lot of friends, family and had a really crappy life in general but the rehabilitation centre showed me there was life outside of the drug fuelled haze I’d been living in. I was there for 6 months and so was Jerry, my husband. It cost my parents a small fortune. Jerry has no family so they paid for it all. They’ve known him for years and knew it would make me happy and would give us a better start to married life.
I felt uplifted and energised when I left the centre and even suggested we move to a new town for a fresh start but Jerry didn’t want to. Mum and Dad bought us a new flat and a few days after the wedding and we moved in. I was so happy but now I’m worried my parents have done all of this for nothing.
Jerry hasn’t found work and just sits in the house all day depressed. To be honest it isn’t this that bothers me. I’m more worried about his mood swings and the fact I can never seem to save money even though I’m working two jobs. He’s up all night and asleep all day. He’s behaving like he’s back on the drugs. The final straw has been when I came home from work the other day and an old mutual friend of ours was sat in my lounge. I have no problem with Jerry having friends round when I’m not there but this particular friend is from our party days. I’ve asked Jerry not to have friends like that at home and he promised me he wouldn’t.
If he is back on heroin or any other drug, I need to know so I can decide what to do. If rehab didn’t help him like it helped me then maybe he needs to leave. I want to be confident before I speak to my parents and this feeling is making me sick. I don’t want to accuse him without proof and can’t talk to anyone about it just in case I’m wrong. Can you help?
S. R., Newport
Response from our Newport Polygraph Examiner
Congratulations on conquering your addiction and learning how to deal with it. I’m sorry to hear that your husband hasn’t come out of rehab as well as you have done.
In answer to your question – yes we do have a Newport lie detector test for drug addiction. Usually it is used to help addicts acknowledge they have a problem and then move on to rehab. However, it can also be used to ascertain whether or not they have had a relapse.
Depression in recovering drug addicts
However, before booking it may be helpful for you to know that depression is not unusual for someone who has stopped taking drugs. It is this depression which often causes addicts to revert back to drugs. It has to be overcome if your husband is to attain long term recovery. You can learn more about the physical and psychological reasons that cause depression in drug addicts by clicking on “Depression – the second factor of drug addiction”.
Other factors to consider
It’s possible that your husband has resumed taking drugs and doubtless will feel that he has let you and your parents down. He may not wish to admit this to any of you for fear of repercussions. It’s possible he realises that he needs more help but doesn’t know how to tell you. This is regularly the case with addicts I have examined. Feeling he is a failure may also be a factor, especially since you are doing so well.
Newport lie detector test
If you can persuade your husband to take a test, I am more than willing to conduct it. You might find he willingly volunteers to take it if he realises he’s in need of more help. It will be his way of letting you know something he isn’t capable of telling you face to face.
Alternatively he may refuse because he is not ready to admit his problem. If this is the case then please contact us for further advice. We have a confidential free helpline that you can call on 07572 748364. Explain that you have received a response from the Newport polygraph examiner.
I look forward to hearing from you in due course and wish you luck.