When teenagers have parties in their parent’s absence, things often go wrong.  Our Lincolnshire Polygraph Examiner advised a worried parent who wrote in that we can conduct tests on 17 year olds.

Q: Can your Lincolnshire Polygraph Examiner find out if our daughter had an early Christmas party without our approval?

My daughter, Kara, is 17 years old and we recently left her alone to go on a couple’s holiday. It’s the first time we’ve left her alone in the house when we’ve gone away. We thought she was old enough to be responsible but now I’m not so sure.

When we returned from holiday there were things missing in the house. There were odd marks on the carpet that looked to have been freshly cleaned. I think she had a party while we were away, but when I asked her about it she said no. We live at the end of a long drive, the house is detached and our nearest neighbour is around half a mile away. This means I’m unable to check with anyone to see if she did. It also means there would have been no noise complaints by the neighbours. We had a live band for her 16th birthday and no one said a thing.

I’ve found that some of my jewellery is missing and one of my husband’s professional cameras. When I asked Kara, she said she stayed with friends for a couple of nights and they must have been stolen then. There is no sign of a break in and no one, other than my sister, has a key. It couldn’t have been her as she was away with us at the time with her husband. She does have children of a similar age but I can’t see them coming into the house or even knowing that Kara was at her friend’s.

I’m not so concerned about the Jewellery, it was dress jewellery anyway but the camera was quite expensive. The main issue is whether my daughter can be trusted to be left alone again. If she did have a party, I’d rather she just admitted it. We could then work out who attended and call the police. Is she old enough for a lie detector test and do you think it would help us get to the bottom of it all?

A. S., Lincoln

Response from Lincolnshire Polygraph Examiner

Teenagers often have parties while their parents are away thinking they’ll never know.  Part of the problem tends to be gate crashers who turn up making the party difficult to control. It may well be this has happened and your daughter doesn’t know how to tell you.

Kara is old enough to take a test and currently you can save £100 by booking between 27 and 30 December inclusive.  I can administer the test in your home or in our Lincolnshire controlled offices.

It’s often the case that teenagers who can’t face telling the truth directly, are relieved to be able to offload the stress during a test.  If you’d like further advice please call 07572 748364 (free helpline). Mention to our customer service representative that you’ve had your query answered by the Lincolnshire polygraph examiner and you’re calling as a result.

Booking a lie detector test

You can book a test on the phone or online via our secure booking system. There is a choice of locations for tests, should you want the test administered in one of our offices.  Or, as mentioned previously, it can be conducted in your home.  Bear in mind, if you choose a home test, there must be no noise or interruptions while the test is in progress.