Leeds Lie Detector Test saves Cosmetic Surgeon´s Marriage
When our client left the NHS five years ago and decided to start a cosmetic surgery practice, it was a risk. But the least thing he imagined would be involved in it, was a Leeds lie detector test.
Leo’s Case
Having devoted much of his working life to the NHS as a surgeon, Leo became disillusioned. When he first started working he had performed some excellent cosmetic surgery on refugee children who had been war damaged. His work with burns patients gave him immense satisfaction.
However, over the years more money seemed to be poured into administration than healthcare and he found himself disagreeing with the way the NHS was run. He knew that many surgeons worked in the private sector but money had never been his main motivation. He genuinely cared about those patients who couldn’t afford badly needed cosmetic surgery work.
Nevertheless, in consultation with his Cassie, his wife, he was convinced that he could work privately. And with some of the money he made, carry out pro bono work for deserving cases.
Building a reputation
It didn’t take long for Leo’s reputation to spread. He was an excellent surgeon and within 3 years his practice was making enormous profits.
This allowed him to undertake the disfigurement correction work that he so loved, free of charge to many children and adults.
With money, he and Cassie enjoyed a much improved lifestyle. Cassie did the accounts and life was great even though they spent very little time together.
Suspicious discovery
One day, Leo had cause to look in his wife’s desk drawers for a supplier invoice. The supplier had called into the clinic to remind him it needed to be paid. This was extremely unusual since bills were always paid on time. Cassie had popped out for lunch at the time.
He didn’t find the invoice but he did see an envelope with what appeared to be a huge amount of cash in it. He asked the supplier if he would accept cash and they would sort out the error later. The supplier agreed and Leo paid him with some of the cash he had found.
When the supplier left, Leo took the envelope into his office and counted it. With what he had just paid the supplier there would have been £125,000.
When Cassie returned, Leo asked her what on earth she was doing with so much cash in an unlocked desk drawer. She told him that he had ruined her surprise. As his birthday was coming up she was organising a surprise birthday party for him. The way in which she said this, didn’t have the ring of truth around it as far as Leo was concerned, but he let it go.
Leeds lie detector test
The cash in the envelope played on Leo’s mind so much that he contacted us. He wanted to know if his wife was lying to him and ordered a lie detector test in Leeds.
Cassie wasn’t happy about taking a test but Leo told her he couldn’t work with someone he didn’t trust. In the end she agreed to the polygraph examination.
It transpired that Cassie wasn’t organising a surprise birthday party at all. She was accumulating money to allow her to leave her husband.
Leo couldn’t understand why Cassie hadn’t sat down and discussed her unhappiness with him. With any new venture, a lot of hours are needed to make a business a success. However, Cassie said that the free time he could spend with her, was always taken up by his pro bono work.
They have decided to work on their marriage and seek relationship counselling. Without the Leeds lie detector test, Leo would never have known there was a problem.