Is your Partner dancing round the Maypole with someone else?
May Day is celebrated in many parts of the world with a public holiday. Its origins are believed to be in the ancient Pagan festival of Beltane. In the Beltane festival which is celebrated in Ireland, the UK and Germanic countries a Maypole was erected. Ribbons were woven around the pole by villagers dancing around it.
As with most Pagan festivities, it’s almost certain that this practice was related to fertility, symbolising the union of the male and female. It will come as no surprise that the pole signifies the male and the weaving of ribbons around it, the feminine qualities. The festival hoped to bring fertility to people, livestock and the land.
The British Parliament once banned dancing around the Maypole. In 1644 it was described as “a Heathenish vanity, generally abused to superstition and wickedness” by Oliver Cromwell.
He may well have been right because May is a month when the polygraph examiners at Lie Detector Test UK are kept extremely busy with infidelity cases.
Infidelity cases
In May last year infidelity was rife even during lockdown. Here are just three of the cases we handled:
Bonnie had a problem with her husband Damon, when he said that he had to work in his office during lockdown. She was left with her new born baby in Scotland while he worked away from home in Newbury. Her suspicions that all was not as it should be led to her booking a lie detector test for her husband. Our Newbury polygraph examiner conducted the test, the results of which devastated Bonnie. You can read her case study by clicking here
Jenna fell out with her sister Carol after she alleged that Jenna’s best friend Donna was sleeping with her boyfriend. Lie detector tests in Corby revealed that Graham, Jenna’s boyfriend, was indeed cheating on her but with her sister and not her best friend. The girls’ mother booked the polygraph tests with our East Midlands polygraph examiner because she was fed up with the arguments. To find out who she booked them for and the results, click here
Vanessa could never prove that her husband, Darren, was having affairs but she had plenty of reasons to be suspect he was. During lockdown his behaviour became extremely suspicious. He changed the passwords on all his devices and social media accounts. In a Stafford lie detector test our West Midlands polygraph examiner established that Darren had arranged to meet women for sex that he’d found on social media. He’d also been unfaithful throughout the marriage. Find out what Vanessa did by clicking here
We also received a large volume of queries regarding infidelity some of which we published on our blog.
Do you suspect your partner of dancing round the Maypole with someone else?
Living with the suspicion of infidelity is soul destroying. Your doubts may be unfounded but unless you know the truth, mistrust often destroys relationships.
For May Day this year we are offering a discount of £125 on all infidelity lie detector tests conducted in our controlled offices. This means that the price of a polygraph examination, whether administered in your home or in our offices, will be £395 inclusive of VAT. The discount will apply from 1 May 2021 to 7 May 2021 for all tests booked between those dates and taken within one month of booking.
Call our free helpline on 07572 748364 for an informal, confidential chat about your specific suspicions. We will do our best to help you move forward with your life.
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