Guildford Lie Detector Test Exposes Affair with Nanny

Our client was suspicious that his wife was getting too close to their nanny. A Guildford lie detector test confirmed it.

Martin’s Case

As an executive of a large pharmaceutical company, Martin had been busy throughout the pandemic. Much of his time was spent working away from home. His wife, Kelly, was a detective in the police force so worked long hours.

When Kelly called Martin to tell him their nanny was leaving to get married, he was concerned. But Kelly said she had already found a replacement through an agency. His name was Kelvin, he had great references and was gay.

The concept of having a male nanny was a bit alien to Martin but he told Kelly that if she was happy with it, so was he.

Suspicious behaviour

On a rare weekend at home, two months later, Martin met Kelvin. He seemed pleasant enough and their two children obviously loved him. Kelly was supposed to have arranged time off that weekend, but she said an emergency at work meant she couldn´t.  Martin was disappointed as he had hoped to spend some quality time with his wife.

At 3:00 am on Sunday morning, Martin was awoken by laughter downstairs.  He got up and found his wife and Kelvin in the kitchen. They seemed to move away from each other rather quickly when he interrupted them. They both apologised if they had woken him.

Kelly had only just got home, she said, and Kelvin hadn’t been able to sleep so had got up to make some cocoa.

Something didn’t sit right with Martin and when he went back to work, he couldn’t get it off his mind. He wondered whether Kelvin was gay. Despite understanding that gay men aren’t all camp, there was nothing about the man that suggested he was gay.  When Martin called Kelly next, he asked her if she was sure Kelvin was gay. Or had she moved a lover in he asked. Kelly accused Martin of being paranoid and told him not to be so ridiculous.

Guildford lie detector test

As time progressed there was no conversation Martin had with his wife, without her mentioning Kelvin. On the odd occasion when he was at home, Kelly was always too tired to have sex and Kelvin seemed to resent his presence.

The suspicion about what they were up to was driving Martin mad. In conversation with his best friend, it was suggested that he get one or other of them to take a lie detector test.

Martin contacted us and after discussing his issue, booked a Guildford lie detector test online for Kelly. The speed with which she agreed to take the test, made Martin wonder whether he had got it wrong.

Results and conclusion

Unfortunately, Martin had got it right. Kelly’s answers to the questions put to her by one of our London polygraph examiners, were deceptive.

With polygraph examinations being used more and more within the police force, Kelly had been made aware of countermeasures.  She thought she could implement them during the test. Clearly she hadn’t learned that countermeasures don’t work with experienced, highly trained examiners.

She was having an affair with Kelvin who may well have been bisexual, but clearly not gay.

As Kelly refuses to sack Kelvin, Martin is filing for divorce.

London Polygraph Service

If you suspect your partner of having an affair or have any other dishonesty issues that are affecting the quality of your life, we may be able to help. Our London polygraph examiners work all over London and throughout the Home Counties.

Call our confidential free helpline on (07572 748364) or contact us via our website to find out how a lie detector test can help you move forward with your life.