Q: Can your Glasgow Polygraph Examiner identify who stole the money for my father’s headstone?
I’m a single mother of three and I’m hoping for a little advice. I don’t have a lot of money and want to be sure I can identify the culprit before I go ahead and book a lie detector test.
My father died 3 years ago and at the time I couldn’t afford a headstone. I did get some help from the government with the funeral costs but still had to put some money towards it. I was left with a little over £50 in the bank, which wasn’t enough for the headstone. The funeral director said I could have a payment plan but I’m on a tight budget and was worried about making the monthly payments. Instead, I said I’d save the money and put it on later. I’ve been saving for 2 years and kept the money at home in an old tea caddy. I knew I had enough last week and was going to go ahead and organise the headstone. There should have been over £900 in the caddy but there was only £300.
Only 4 people knew where the money was – me and my three children. All my children are over 17 but still live at home. I’m astounded they’d take this money when they knew what its purpose was. I really need to know who took it. I should be able to trust my children and now I find I’m being snappy with all of them, when potentially there may have only been one who took it. Can you help?
E.M., Glasgow
Response from our Glasgow Polygraph Examiner
It’s never easy when things like this happen is it particularly considering what you had saved the money for?
Are you absolutely positive that only you and your children knew where you kept the money? Could anyone else have seen you put money in the tea caddy? If you are certain is there one particular child you suspect?
As a Glasgow polygraph examiner I have conducted many lie detector tests involving theft within the family. Dealing with it requires sensitivity since those who feel they have been falsely accused can be hurt and angry. My job is to prove them innocent but naturally not all of them are.
A lie detector test can identify who took the money or if the subject knows who did. My advice is to test the child you suspect the most first. If the first to be tested is innocent we can move on to the others.
You may wish to call our customer service team for some advice as to how to persuade your children to take lie detector tests. You can do this by calling our Free Helpline – 07572 748364. If you have already convinced them you can of course, book tests online via our secure reservation system.
Any questions?
If you have a question for our Glasgow Polygraph Examiner or any of our examiners nationwide, please do contact us. We try to respond to all. If you need urgent advice call our Free Helpline and we will do our best to assist you.