Thank you for your final payment
You will shortly receive your confirmation email detailing the date, time and location of your Polygraph Test.
Here is a brief guide on what to expect from the test process
You will shortly be sent a confirmation email, detailing the date, time and venue of your polygraph test. The examiner may contact you before the test should he/she require further information. However, in most cases this is not necessary.
Do not be worried that you are nervous/anxious on taking the test. Nerves will not affect the outcome of the examination; if you are nervous at the beginning of the test, as most people are, you will remain nervous throughout the test. Your reactions to answering truthfully or deceitfully will still differ and will still look very different to each other, giving the examiner a clear indicator of guilt or otherwise.
The test will cause you no pain. The polygraph charts are generated by attaching sensors to you:
1. Sensors are placed around the upper chest and stomach (on the outside of clothing) to record breathing and movement.
2. Sensors attached to the fingertips measure changes in skin temperature.
3. A blood pressure cuff just like the doctor uses monitors changes in blood pressure, blood volume and pulse rate. You may feel a slight discomfort or pressure from the blood pressure cuff on your arm, which is inflated for the duration of the test, but it is no more uncomfortable than if a nurse was taking your blood pressure. In fact, the cuff will be slightly less inflated than in a medical situation, so discomfort should be minimal, if at all.
If you are taking prescribed drugs, please continue to take them we need you to be as ‘normal’ as you would be on any other day. The vast majority of prescription drugs will not interfere with the accuracy of the test.
If you are the client and not the examinee but wish to sit in on the test, this will not be possible. You being in the room, watching and listening, is almost guaranteed to distort the truth. Not many people will want to admit their guilt with their accuser sitting next to them, or even listening in. Most people find it easier to admit guilt to a stranger – that’s why counselling is so effective. So, as much as we understand that you would want to sit in and hear what is being said, your presence would undermine the effectiveness of the examination. However, you may be present during the pre-test interview.
On meeting with the examiner, you will be requested to provide evidence of photo ID such as passport, driving licence, without this the test will not take place.
The following criteria must be met by the examinee or the examiner can refuse to conduct the test and no refund will be granted:
1. Consume no alcohol or take abused substances such as drugs or controlled substances in the 24 hours prior to the test.
2. Must not demonstrate any abuse, aggression or threatening behaviour towards the examiner. Such behaviour will result in a termination of the examination, all fees paid will be retained and the option to rebook will be withdrawn.
If there is any suspicion of Domestic Violence; the examiner will report this to the relevant authorities, without exception and the test will not be carried out.
The test typically takes about two hours and consists of 3 stages – a verbal pre-test interview, in-test stage (collection of charts) and a post-test stage (analysis of charts):
1. The verbal pre-test interview is normally the longest, taking anything up to 45 to 90 minutes and will be conducted to:
(a) summarise the examinee’s personal and case history
(b) determine the examinee’s suitability for the polygraph test
(c) explain the polygraph components and related physiological processes
(d) debrief the examinee of any information regarding the issues and circumstances under investigation
(e) thoroughly develop and review the test questions.
This stage is normally the longest and can take anything up from 45 to 90 minutes.
2. In-test stage (collection of charts). During this phase the examinee will be attached to the *polygraph. The examinee’s fully reviewed and agreed question sets which were developed during the pre-test interview will be asked several times. During this stage, only the examiner and examinee will be present.
3. Post-test stage (analysis of charts): On completion of the polygraph test the examiner will analyse the charts before rendering a decision verbally to the client’s truth- fulness if the results are conclusive to do so. A full written report is also provided to the client/examinee either via email or post once it has been cross examined by a 2nd examiner.
We do conduct polygraph examinations at residential and business addresses. We reserve the right to refuse should our examiner feel it is not viable and conditions of a controlled environment cannot be met. This is to avoid potential distractions and distortion to the results of the test. All fees paid will be retained. The room where the test is to be conducted must be clean and uncluttered; have total privacy with 2 chairs and 1 table plus power point for laptop.
The examinee will be required to be left alone with examiner for up to 2 hours without distractions such as TV, phone or people walking in and out
*polygraph – a fully computerised multichannel polygraph instrument, that is capable of simultaneously recording both thoracic and abdominal respiratory and muscle/behavioural activity, along with changes in cardiovascular and electro dermal activity, and includes dedicated components to monitor test subject behaviour and assist in the accurate differentiation of test data that represents authentic sympathetic/autonomic response activity to test stimulus questions from data that includes adulterated autonomic and peripheral/behavioural nervous system activities intended to alter or defeat one’s polygraph test results.