It’s amazing what men will do when a woman gets in the way of their friendship. Our client found out what level his friend would stoop to when he got the results of an East London lie detector test.
Claire’s Case
Fred and Mark had been close since they left school. They went to college together and now they both worked for a small motor company in their local town. They shared a flat in one of those towns where everyone knew everyone else’s business. You couldn’t move without someone gossiping about it the next day. Mark had recently started seeing Claire. She sold cars at the garage they worked for and for a while he seemed happy. Fred wasn’t particularly popular with the ladies and had always relied on Mark being his wingman when they went out.
All loved up
As happens with most new relationships, during the first couple of months Fred saw less and less of Mark. They never went out any more and if they did, Claire always seemed to tag along. Fred didn’t like this, as it meant his chances of ‘pulling’ where out of the question. Then the coronavirus took hold. All the bars were due to shut and Fred thought he’d have Mark back to himself as they decided to stay home and self-isolate. They stocked up on beer and food and spent most of their days playing video games online with players from around the world. It kept them busy but after a while Mark suggested that Claire should move in.
Bachelor lifestyle
Fred knew this would be the end of their bachelor pad days and said Mark should have a chat with another of their friends, Steve, before making such a big change to his life. Mark trusted Fred; after all he was his best friend. Steve told Mark that Claire had recently made a pass at him. Mark was going to end things with her because of it. Claire was devastated. She really cared for Mark and had missed him terribly, they hadn’t seen each other in weeks and talking on the phone didn’t seem the same at all. She was going to ask him to move in with her, until all of the virus stuff was over anyway.
East London lie detector test
Claire couldn’t speak to Mark face to face about the issues and so contacted us for an East London lie detector test. She wanted to prove her innocence and asked if we could complete the test at home. It was one of the last lie detector tests we were able to administer before the lockdown.
The results proved that she’d never made a pass at Steve and had always been faithful to Mark. Confronting Steve about the situation, Mark found that Fred had put him up to it. Fred hadn’t wanted to lose his best friend and certainly didn’t want to accept Claire into their home.
Mark moved in with Claire and he’s happy she went to such lengths to prove her innocence. Fred now lives alone with only his computer games and beer for company. The polygraph results proved to Mark that Fred wasn’t the friend he thought he was and they haven’t spoken since.
London Polygraph Services
Our London Polygraph Services are temporarily suspended until such time as the coronavirus restrictions on movement come to an end. However, we are always available for advice on issues related to dishonesty in all its forms.