Faye was desperately worried about her daughter Shyra and contacted our Exeter Lie Detector Service to ask if we could help her get to the bottom of a worrying situation.
Faye’s case
Shyra had once been an outgoing girl, full of confidence and bubbly. A little overweight but nothing more than “puppy fat” that would disperse in the coming years as she grew into a young adult. Faye couldn’t put her finger on what was wrong. She’d been fine at school but now at college she just seemed to be withdrawing from everyone around her. Faye had asked if something was wrong after hearing rumours she was being picked on outside the college gates but Shyra denied it. Faye contacted us for advice since Shyra was only 17 and Faye wasn’t sure if she could take the test at this early age.
Although there is no minimum age for taking a polygraph test, ordinarily a subject needs to be 16+ or at an age where they fully comprehend the difference between the truth and a lie. At 17 most people understand this concept.
Attention seeker
Faye had spoken to the school and they confirmed Shyra played up. She was always hiding in the toilets or missing classes and not turning up on time. The head teacher even suggested that she was an attention seeker. Something was off and Faye was going to find out what. When she contacted us again we confirmed Shyra could take the test. She was old enough and if the questions were centred around bullying our polygraph examiner in Exeter would find out. Heaven forbid if it was drugs but Shyra was a good girl and her mother would never dream she would be taking anything other than her own prescribed medication for anxiety.
Mother knows best
Shyra didn’t want to take the polygraph test as she thought when everyone found out she was being bullied daily, they would consider her weak and pathetic. Faye insisted with her ‘mother knows best’ persuasion technique.
Faye got the results within 24 hours and had the answers she wanted. However, she was both upset and devastated that her daughter had been a victim for so long. Shyra didn’t even trust her mother enough to confide in her which hurt the most. Faye reported the college and its uncaring head teacher and switched Shyra to a new one.
Shyra is thriving now, heading towards her A levels with ambitions to become a doctor one day. If it hadn’t been for Faye’s quick thinking and the polygraph, things could have been a whole lot worse.
Exeter Lie Detector Service for bullying
A recent survey conducted by the anti-bullying campaigners DITCH THE LABEL asked students between 12 and 20 about the effects of bullying in education. The shocking statistics revealed that, of the 9150 students who participated, 22% have been subject to or have witnessed bullying. This indicates that potentially a quarter of children and young adults are going through this type of victimisation every day.
Do you suspect your child is being bullied? Maybe they can’t admit it or won’t. Talking the matter through with an unbiased professional often works. Our polygraph examiners are specialists in drawing out the truth of any matter. Contact us on our free helpline (07572 748364) for more information about our Exeter Lie Detector Service for bullying. If you live elsewhere in the UK our polygraph examiners operate nationwide.