Dorchester Lie Detector Test exposes Dishonest Grandson

When money went missing from her bank account our client booked our Dorchester lie detector test for her grandson.  The results exposed more than theft.

Daisy’s Case

Daisy loved having her grandson Joe live with her. He’d been a problem child at home and she’d taken him in when he was only 13. He was a bit of a Jack the lad but always treated her with respect and did his school work. Eventually he’d even gone to college.

Looking after the elderly

At 18, Joe always went and did the shopping for her. Daisy would give him her card and tell him to treat himself to a new computer game or something. He’d always spend a little over £30 on himself on these trips, but Daisy didn’t mind. She always thought of it as pocket money for the little jobs he did around the house. He even took her and her friends to the day centre for bingo once a week. They also thought that he was turning into a wonderful and thoughtful young man.

Coronavirus lock down

When the lockdown was announced it didn’t really affect Daisy very much. Joe on the other hand was going stir crazy. Daisy had been in the war and although she wasn’t completely locked in then, the lockdown felt similar. Daisy told Joe to go shopping but take the £30 out of her pension and keep it to one side. Maybe he could save up and buy something special when all the restrictions were over.

Joe carried on as usual but seemed to become increasingly aggressive and withdrawn from her. She spoke to his father about it and he said he was worried that Joe had started taking drugs again. Daisy wouldn’t have any of it and told her son off for being so accusatory.

Missing money

Daisy didn’t go out often but decided to take a trip to the supermarket, just to get some fresh air. Joe had been in bed when she left so she didn’t wake him.

Checking her account at the supermarket ATM, she was bewildered to see she only had approximately £500 in her account. There should have been at least five times that amount. Looking at the statement Joe had been taking out money here and there. If he’d asked, she would have given it to him but the issue was when the money had been withdrawn. Some withdrawals were at 3am or 5am, when she was asleep. Why was he sneaking out in the early hours of the morning? The withdrawals had been going on for months and one thing Daisy wouldn’t abide is people lying to her.


Daisy asked Joe about the money and he said he hadn’t taken it. He said maybe her card had been cloned and she should contact the bank. Daisy knew this type of dishonesty was one of the reasons her son had kicked Joe out.  She contacted us for polygraph test.

Dorchester lie detector test

Joe reluctantly attended the polygraph examination.  He knew he had nowhere else to go and if he didn’t keep the appointment then his grandmother would throw him out. The results of the Dorchester lie detector test proved he had stolen the money and also that he’d spent it on drugs. Daisy wanted to throw him out but she couldn’t. Instead she accompanies him to the supermarket and he now has to find a job for any money he needs. The polygraph results have put him on a stricter lockdown than those imposed by the government.

South West Polygraph Service

Our polygraph examiners are available throughout the South West for any issues related to mistrust.  Please call our free helpline on 07572 748364 for more information. Or use our secure online booking system to book a lie detector test online.