Domestic Abuse Case continues after West Bridgford Lie Detector Test
After our client had reported her partner for domestic violence, she regretted it. But with the help of a West Bridgford lie detector test, she got her life back on track.
Imogen’s Case
Having made excuses for her partner’s abusive behaviour over many years, Imogen hit rock bottom. She loved Jay but when he slammed her head against a wall and knocked her out, she finally reported him to the police. He was charged and bailed on the proviso that he would not contact her and would live with his parents.
Imogen’s family and friends despised Jay. He had destroyed her confidence, and she ran around after him like a lap dog. It didn’t seem to matter how much he humiliated or beat her; she would always find a reason why it was her fault.
Now that he had been charged she felt guilty. She told her mother that she had wound him up and that was why he had attacked her. When asked what she had done, Imogen said she had forgotten to wash his football shirt. Her mother responded that if she deserved to be knocked out over a dirty football shirt, what was the penalty for something more serious?
Breaking bail conditions
Jay called Imogen despite his bail conditions and like most domestic abusers, apologised profusely and told her it would never happen again. If she would only drop the charges, they could be together again and make it work.
Since the violence friends had been dropping in on Imogen to make sure she was ok. When she told them she was thinking about dropping the charges they told her she must not. He had been beating her for years. The only reason he wanted the charges dropped was because he didn’t want a criminal record for one of the worst crimes on the planet.
Imogen opined that some of it had been her fault and perhaps this time it might be different. After all, she had never reported him before so perhaps it was the shock he needed.
No matter what they said, her friends couldn’t convince her that there is no excuse for domestic violence. In the end one of them suggested that she book a lie detector test in West Bridgford for him, near to where his parents’ home was. And so much did they care for her, that they offered to pay for it.
West Bridgford lie detector test
In consultation with Imogen and her friends, our Nottingham Polygraph Examiner formulated questions designed to find out what Jay’s intentions were.
Imogen told him that she would drop the charges if he turned up for the polygraph examination. Clearly desperate, he kept the appointment with our examiner.
The results of the West Bridgford lie detector test revealed that the only reason Jay wanted the charges dropped was because he feared going to prison and getting a criminal record.
He considered his relationship with Imogen to be toxic and was thinking about leaving her anyway.
Devastated though Imogen was, she had learned the truth and she didn’t drop the charges. She is now in counselling and trying to move forward with her life.
Living in an abusive relationship is never an option, no matter how much you think you love the abusive partner. One way to evaluate your relationship is to consider how often you see the person you love and how often you see the monster. Invariably you see the monster more and that is the real person, not the one you imagine he or she is.
Nottingham Polygraph Services
If you can relate to Imogen’s case and need to find a way out of an abusive relationship, the polygraph may be able to help you. Whether you require a West Bridgford lie detector test or one anywhere else, you can book securely using our online reservation system. Choose the location that is more convenient to you.
Alternatively, if you would like to discuss you specific circumstances, call our confidential free helpline on 07572 748364. Our friendly customer care staff team will be happy to listen.
You can also call Juno Women’s Aid on their 24 hour free helpline (0808 800 0340) for local assistance.