Derby Lie Detector Test Query answered by East Midlands Polygraph Examiner
This is one of the many domestic abuse queries we have received during the coronavirus lockdown. In this instance one of our East Midlands polygraph examiner addresses a worried sister’s request for a Derby lie detector test.
Q: Can you do a Derby lie detector test for my sister?
I’m emailing you to see if you’re able to complete a lie detector test for my sister. She’s in a relationship with someone who I think is abusing her. Claire has been with Martin for 5 years and he has always been quite controlling but recently he seems to have gotten worse. I haven’t seen Claire for a few weeks due to the lockdown but each time I speak to her on the phone she appears on edge. She makes the calls as short as possible and I can hear Martin shouting in the background.
Martin was laid off, as the small building company he worked for has gone under. He’s started drinking pretty much every day and I know there is something wrong. I know he has hit her once before but she told me it was a one off and she’d pushed him to it. She made me promise not to tell our parents and stupidly, I agreed. Maybe if I’d done something about it then I wouldn’t have this feeling now.
It’s an awful situation for her to be in and I know she’d take the test if I told her I was going to speak to Mum about it. I have already but she doesn’t know that. Martin is getting the odd day’s work here and there so I could try and time the appointment for a day I know he’ll be out. Could a lie detector test tell if my sister is being abused? At least if I know he is abusing her we can get her out of there and she can come and live with me.
L. E., Derby
Response from Derby Polygraph Examiner
In answer to your question, we can administer our Derby lie detector test for domestic abuse to your sister, providing she voluntarily agrees to submit to it.
This must be an awful situation for you to be in especially considering the restrictions in place on movement. Restrictive lockdown measures have placed victims of domestic abuse in very precarious positions. Having to be with their abusers 24/7 has resulted in reports from all over the world of increased violence and abuse to the World Health Organisation. Charities concerned with domestic violence have also seen a huge spike in reports.
What I found particularly alarming is that your sister believes the previous incident of violence toward her came about because she “pushed him to it”. There is never an excuse for violence and nobody deserves it.
East Midlands Polygraph Service
Please call our free helpline on 07572 748364 if you have any problem getting your sister to agree to the test. We can give you some tips or indeed, talk to your sister if you wish. Our polygraph examiners work throughout the East Midlands and I specialise in domestic abuse issues. Invariably a lie detector test helps victims come to terms with the reality of the abuse they are suffering. Too often they believe it is in some way their fault, either partly or entirely.
This type of abuse is about control and if the abuser gets away with it once, it’s almost guaranteed to continue. We so often hear that victims love their abusers and this may be true. However, they need to work out how often they see the ‘nice’ person they love. Seeing the monster more often than the nice person rather defines who the real person is. A polygraph examination helps victims admit to themselves, something they often deny to those around them. Many of our clients have been liberated by the results from a lie detector test and now live abuse free lives.
Please talk to us or book a lie detector test online. Let’s get this done as quickly as possible.