A lie detector test in Edinburgh gave our client, Nicola, the answers she needed after an experience she will never be able to remember or forget. A date rape drug was slipped into her drink.
GHB (Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid), more commonly known as a Date Rape drug, has been used for a number of years in the clubbing scene. Unfortunately, this odourless and colourless substance can be undetected if put in your drink. Women need to be more aware of it, never leaving drinks unattended or accepting drinks from strangers.
Nicola’s case
Nicola had been out with her best friend Laura, on a hen night and it had gotten messy. She couldn’t remember getting home and unusually was completely naked when she woke up. Nicola always slept in her pyjamas, even when she was a little worse for wear, so waking up naked wasn’t normal. Shrugging the thought off, she jumped in the shower. Her head was foggy, more so than usual and thinking back she couldn’t even remember leaving the club. She decided to call Laura just to check in and make sure they hadn’t had words. Laura was fine and confirmed she’d seen her leave with a friend if theirs, Steve. Laura did say she was in a bit of a state and that Steve had suggested driving her home.
Nicola couldn’t shake the feeling something was wrong and decided to go to the hospital. She explained that she thought someone may have slipped a date rape drug into her drink. A blood test confirmed GHB was present. Medical staff suggested a physical examination which when complete revealed she’d had sex the previous night.
Friend or Foe
On the way home, she called Steve and he admitted they’d had sex but stressed it was consensual. If that was the case why did he leave her to wake up alone? Speaking to Laura she decided to call us to book a lie detector test in Edinburgh. If Steve was being honest he’d have no problem taking the test.
Steve was shocked but agreed to keep the appointment with our polygraph examiner. Surely if Nicola didn’t remember, he’d done nothing wrong he thought. The test revealed that Steve had put the GHB in her drink, intentionally to assault her. She hadn’t been awake when the attack had happened. The questions were not what he’d expected and upon receiving the results, Nicola went to the police. Steve was arrested and later charged with rape.
So many of these types of attacks go unreported but our Lie Detector Test Service in Edinburgh took one predator off the street.
Date rape drug crime is seldom reported
1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men reported passing out on GHB in the last 12 months according to the Global Drugs Survey. The majority didn’t report their experience to the police as they were unable to recollect what had happened the night before.
Has something happened to you that you can’t explain? Do you think a date rape drug has been used? We may be able to help. If you’d like to discuss or order a lie detector test in Edinburgh for any reason, please call our confidential, free helpline on 07572 748364.
(Names have been changed in this case to protect our client’s identity).