Chelsea Lie Detector Query – Is my Husband sleeping with my Sister?
I’m writing to you with an awful situation that I’ve found myself in. I’m not sure if you can help with a Chelsea lie detector test for my husband who I think is sleeping with my sister.
I think my sister may be having sex with my husband. Finding out is going to break up my marriage and cause a massive rift in the family, if it’s true.
I’ve always allowed my husband to go and help my sister if she needs anything doing in the house. Her husband left her for a younger woman a few years ago and she’s never found anyone new. It started off as putting up a shelf here and there, but now he seems to be round there at least three times a week.
I have asked her about it and she said the last time he changed the oil in her car. My husband has never changed the oil in our car and in fact insists we take it to the garage. When I asked him about it he said she couldn’t afford to take it and we can. I just don’t understand why he wouldn’t just loan her the money to do it.
I’ve told them both I’m uncomfortable with the amount of time they spend together. Each time I say it, the situation cools down. After this though, slowly but surely the visits become more frequent. I really hope I’m wrong, but other than banning them from seeing each other I don’t know what to do. If I stop him going round it will cause a rift, if I order the test it will do the same thing. Can you help? Have you dealt with such sensitive situations before?
S. Y., Chelsea
Response from London Polygraph Examiner
Firstly let me reassure you that the situations we deal with are invariably sensitive so you are not alone in your predicament.
The alleged infidelity between your husband and sister must be tearing you apart. It’s bad enough when it’s someone you don’t know but a double betrayal when a sibling is involved.
The problem with suspicion is that it doesn’t go away. It gets worse and often causes irreparable damage to a relationship. In essence it seems, you are worried about the rift test results may cause within the family and the break-up of your marriage if infidelity is proven to have taken place. However, if your suspicion continues ultimaely something is going to happen to bring it to a head, sooner or later.
Chelsea lie detector test
I can conduct a Chelsea lie detector test at your home if it’s easier for you. And you have choice. You can order one for your sister or for your husband.
Your difficulty will be in getting either of them to agree to take a test. This is something our friendly and confidential customer care personnel can help you with.
If your husband values your marriage he should have no problem in agreeing to polygraph examination. Given that your suspicions are causing problems within your relationship, he may wish to dispel them. And the same principle should apply to you sister. If they care about you, one or other of them will agree, particularly if they have nothing to hide.
It’s a horrible situation to be in and I can only give you the benefit of my experience in these matters. The truth is always better out. It gives everyone involved a chance to move forward with your lives.
Even if infidelity is taking place it doesn’t necessarily have to be the end of your marriage. Many couples seek counselling and repair their relationships. And there may come a time when you’ll forgive your sibling, many people have.
More advice
Please don’t hesitate to call our free helpline (07572 748364) if you feel a discussion will help. Mention that the London Polygraph Examiner has suggested you call. We’ll do our very best to help.