Church Thieves exposed by Mansfield Lie Detector Tests
We carried out three Mansfield lie detector tests for our client when he suspected his son and two friends had stolen valuable items from the local church.
Steven’s Case
Steven is a church warden with fewer duties since the pandemic. His church has hardly been open but it has had several break-in attempts. Only one was successful and that was someone using a key. Picking the lock would be difficult given the type of antique lock on its doors.
Some solid gold candlesticks were stolen among other items, as well as money from the collection box. He spoke to the vicar who rang the police. They took the report but said there was very little they could do about it.
When Steven told his wife, Catherine, about the theft she was naturally appalled. Who steals from a church? Their son, Charles, unusually was silent.
Within a week or two rumours began to circulate that Charles and a couple of his friends had robbed the church. When asked, Charles became very angry and emphatically denied having anything to do with it.
As time progressed Charles seemed to be in possession of some rather expensive trainers without a reasonable explanation as to where he had acquired them. His two best buddies hadn’t been round either which was odd. Normally they practically lived in Steven’s house.
It bothered Steven immensely that his days were spent suspecting his son of stealing from their own church. In the end it got the better of him and he called us.
Mansfield lie detector tests
It was Catherine who suggested the Mansfield lie detector tests. She rang the other two boys parents who were also parishioners and they were in full agreement.
The polygraph examinations were arranged on the same day and took place in the boy’s homes. All the tests showed deception and when confronted with the results by their parents Charles finally owned up. He had taken his father’s keys and unlocked the church. The other boys had then broken curfew and stolen the things.
After that they had spent the money from the collection box buying things from friends. And the candlesticks had been sold to a drug dealer.
The boys were given a serious dressing down by the police and told to give them the name of the drug dealer. As a result the candlesticks were recovered. The vicar decided not to press charges but the boys now have a number of duties. Clearing up abandoned graves is one of them and polishing the church brass is another, as well as general cleaning and maintenance of the grounds. They are going to be busy for quite some time. We understand there will be a lot of praying for forgiveness going on too.
East Midlands Polygraph Services
Our East Midlands polygraph examiners are available to establish the truth of any dishonest situation. If you need to prove your innocence when false allegations are made or want to find out who stole from you, a lie detector test is a good first step.
Infidelity tests can save marriages as well as destroy them. Some people can forgive infidelity, others cannot.
Our polygraph examiners are highly experienced in dealing with sensitive issues such as historical sex abuse and domestic abuse. You will find them sensitive and understanding.
So, whatever your issue is you can rely on us to help you resolve it. Call us today on our free helpline (07572 748364) or book a lie detector test online using our secure reservation system.