Bristol lie detector reveals affair to sceptic
A Bristol lie detector recently proved to husband Jake that his wife Naomi was having an affair. Jake was a sceptic of polygraph testing, but decided to come to Lie Detector Test UK when he reached an all-time low. He knew Naomi wasn’t telling the truth and the lie detector test offered all the evidence he needed. Here is Jake’s story and the outcome of his case.
How it all began
Jake first starting to suspect Naomi guilty of having an affair during lockdown last year. Naomi and Jake decided to buy a Labrador puppy to keep them company when working from home. At first the couple enjoyed long walks together with their new dog. However, after a few months of having the puppy Naomi started to go out more often and insisted she went by herself.
The texts
One evening whilst Naomi was cooking dinner for the couple, Jake noticed her phone kept flashing notifications. Curious as to why Naomi had been spending more time away from him and outdoors, Jake decided to look. He immediately saw six WhatsApp notifications from a number saved under a love heart emoji. Wondering why Naomi would save a number simply as an emoji, Jake decided to unlock her phone and look at the conversation. He immediately saw texts organising meet ups in a local park. Jake could see Naomi was flirting, but wasn’t sure if the conversation was with a girl mate or a guy.
Jake immediately confronted Naomi when they sat down for dinner that evening. Naomi was extremely angry that Jake had been checking her phone. She insisted the conversation was with a friend she had made down at the park. She said it had been nice to have conversation with someone else other than Jake. Naomi explained how she felt trapped in the house during the pandemic and the regular walks and conversation offered her some escape.
Time for a lie detector test
Later that week, Jake couldn’t help shake the feeling something still wasn’t right. He checked Naomi’s phone again when she was sleeping one night, and saw that the texts had become even more flirtatious. Jake was sure it was a guy Naomi was texting. The next morning, he decided not to talk to Naomi but instead researched advise online. He came across a blog on infidelity on our Lie Detector Test UK website and decided to call our free helpline for advice. Jake admitted that he had always been a sceptic of polygraph tests, but he could see our reviews and blogs spoke for themselves.
The results
Jake asked Naomi to take a lie detector test at our Bristol office the following week. Naomi agreed because she said she was tired of having the same arguments with Jake. However, when Naomi took her test, the results showed she was lying. Naomi confessed to Jake that she had met someone else during lockdown. She explained how she hadn’t meant to start the affair but it had naturally progressed. The couple are now filing for divorce after coming to the decision that their marriage is over.
If you suspect your partner of cheating, book your lie detector test online with us today. You can also call our free helpline on 07572 748364.