Birmingham Lie Detector Test for Infidelity exposed Cheating Lead Singer
Someone in the public eye and attractive may attract starry eyed fans. A Birmingham lie detector test for infidelity revealed that one lead singer with a band couldn’t resist temptation.
Sharon’s case
Sharon loved the band. Â She liked to call herself a groupie and she followed them around from town to town. Â Eventually she fell in love with the lead singer, Paul. He was a really nice guy who didn’t seem too interested in the hordes of girls swarming around him.
Paul was respectful to Sharon and when the time came for him to do a few gigs away, he seemed genuinely upset to be leaving. This was no record deal but could be the beginning of something good. Maybe they’d get signed at some point but getting their music out there was what was important for now. Paul had promised to call Sharon every night after his show. He would be gone for 3 months doing various small venues around the country. Paul was excited about the opportunities it could bring for them and although the time apart would be hard, they could get through it.
Out of sight out of mind
The calls began as promised the night after he left but after a few weeks, he stopped calling so often. Sharon would try his mobile and it would ring out or when she did get through he would say his phone was on silent. When Sharon called his bandmates, they’d say he was asleep or not available for another strange reason. She’d leave a message and ask him to call back but he never did. When she did speak to him he’d just say he was tired but that he was looking forward to coming home. Sharon had always trusted Paul but she’d been a groupie when they met. Â How did she know what was going on while he was away. She knew Paul was due home the next week and so contacted us about our Birmingham lie detector test for infidelity. She loved Paul and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. But she had to know if he’d been faithful before carrying the relationship on any further.
Welcome home
Paul was ecstatic when he saw Sharon but her frosty reception caught him unaware. She explained she wasn’t happy as he’d been so distant. When she mentioned that she had booked a polygraph test for him he didn’t react as she expected. Instead of objecting to it, he almost fell over himself to volunteer. Sharon wondered whether she had misjudged him.
In consultation with out polygraph examiner before the test, Sharon had told us that she simply wanted to know if Paul had been loyal to her sexually. Whilst he had been away she hadn’t even gone on a night out, she’d missed him too much.
Birmingham lie detector test for infidelity – results
When the results of the polygraph examination were sent, Sharon was disappointed. Paul admitted to our examiner in the pre-test interview that he had “sowed some wild oats” when he’d been on tour. He didn’t state how many liaisons he’d had but said it was more than one. Going through the test had been a formality which confirmed what he told the examiner. He said that he didn’t know how to face Sharon with the facts and since she’d ordered the test, it was an easy way out for him.
Sharon knew deep in her heart he had cheated, but she needed proof to leave him and get on with her life. Our Birmingham lie detector test for infidelity gave her what she required. She never spoke to Paul again.
She noticed on his Facebook page some months later that the band never took off and the time away only managed to cause rifts in the musicians’ relationships, rather than make it successful. Paul never believed in Karma but Sharon did. Maybe if he hadn’t lied to her his life would have taken a different course.
Has your partner been away and is now behaving differently? Call one of our polygraph examiners today to find out if we can help you. Our helpline is free – 07572 748364. If you are already convinced that you’d like to book a polygraph test our service is nationwide and you can book one online using our secure online reservation system.