Battersea Polygraph Examiner deals with a Theft within the Family Query

Suspicions of theft within the family are deeply concerning especially when elderly relatives are the victims. Following a query about this last week our Battersea Polygraph Examiner offered some advice.

Q: Would a lie detector test in Battersea help establish whether my brother is stealing from my Mum?

I’m writing to you as I’m not sure where else to turn. My brother has always lived with our mother. He’s 37 now and I think he’s taking advantage of her. We both had a great upbringing, but my father died when we were quite young and it hit my mother really hard. She needed to work two jobs, but she always made sure we never wanted for anything.  She is a great mother and I love her dearly.

Dean has never worked, he smokes cannabis all day and he drinks. My mother was diagnosed with early onset dementia and for a while I was happy he was there to look after her. I moved out at 18, I have a good job and an amazing family of my own, so I was unable to care for her full time. My brother offered to step up and now he receives carers allowance for looking after her full time.

Mum’s memory isn’t what it used to be but I’ve noticed things changing in the house. The TV has had an upgrade and Dean now has a new car. He claimed it was provided as part of Mum’s disability but I’m not so sure. There are also discrepancies in the spending on her bank account and when I ask Dean, he says mum is giving him money to go out and enjoy himself. I’m not so sure mum is capable of offering gifts to him, let alone help him with a new car.

The last thing I want is for mum to be put in a home and surrounded by strangers, but as I watch her deteriorate I think it’s the best place for her. I don’t think the government will give her a place via the NHS if they feel she has support at home. I want to know what my brother is up to.

If my fears are confirmed some tough decisions will have to be made. Is a lie detector test in Battersea an option or would my brother have to travel elsewhere to take one? More to the point will the test tell me what I need to know?

P F., Battersea

Response from Battersea Polygraph Examiner

How awful for you that you have these suspicions.  To directly answer your question, yes a polygraph examination will help you get the answers you need. In terms of location you can book a residential lie detector test in Battersea.  This can either take place where your brother lives or at your home.  If neither of these options is possible your brother may have to travel to one of our London offices which you can choose when booking online.  Due to the coronavirus we recommend home tests whenever possible.

You say that your brother smokes cannabis all day and drinks.  Perhaps you need to consider alternative care for your Mother in any event.  Someone under the influence of drugs and alcohol is not ideal in a caring role.

If you would like to discuss the matter further and confidentially, please call our Free Helpline (07572 748364). Let our customer service staff know that you have been advised to call by the Battersea Polygraph Examiner.

Greater London Polygraph Services

If you are worried about an elderly relative’s carer or theft within the family a lie detector test may be the fastest way for you to resolve the issue.  Our polygraph examiners are available throughout Greater London and nationwide to establish the truth of any situation.  Contact us via submitting a written query to be answered on our blog, via our website or by calling us free on our helpline.