Before accepting a marriage proposal and making a lifetime commitment it’s always best to check your prospective partner out. Our client did with a Bath lie detector test for infidelity.
Zara’s Case
Sam was in the fire service. He’d always been one for the ladies and the uniform just accentuated that. Zara was the clerk at the station house and being surrounded by firefighters all day long meant she was a bit immune to their allure and the uniform. She knew Sam was something of a womaniser but when he had asked her out on a date, she’d thought why not? She hadn’t been out in months and even if it was just a way to make a new friend she was happy with that.
Red hot
They went out on a few dinners and Zara soon realised she was falling for Sam. He’d been so attentive and such a gentleman it was hard not to. The time came when they decided to make things official and move in together. They moved into her place, rather than his as it was closer to work and bigger than the apartment Sam had in town. Sam had said his tenancy was up in a month or two so he’d need to keep paying rent on it for the time being. Zara was fine with this and thought nothing of it. She was paying the rent on her place anyway and if Sam helped with the bills she’d be better off.
Date a man in uniform
Zara’s friends were so jealous she’d managed to catch such a hunk in uniform and one night while out having drinks, Zara introduced them to a dating site. One that was full of different men in uniform and from all different services. Whilst sifting through they, embarrassingly for Zara, came across Sam. She was furious and went outside to call him. Sam claimed this was probably a joke by the lads at the station and he didn’t know anything about it.
Knowing his past Zara didn’t believe him. She knew she’d need more evidence than a profile on a website and decided to check through his phone. There it was, the dating app that matched the website and hundreds of messages from different women. She read some of them but couldn’t see any replies but why would he have the app if the whole thing was a joke. She knew he’d deny it and contacted us to order our Bath lie detector test service for infidelity. Sam asked her to marry him shortly after she found the profile but she said she needed to think about it. She told him he needed to take the polygraph test before she’d accept his proposal. Reluctantly he agreed.
Hot water
The Bath lie detector test took place and whilst waiting for the results she did some digging into the stories Sam had been telling her. He still had the flat and she contacted the landlord. He confirmed Sam had renewed the lease for a further 6 months. Zara knew Sam had lied before she opened the results from the test. There had been no nights out with the lads where he’d ended up passing out on the couch. There had been no trips to see his brother for a fishing weekend. He’d been meeting up with girls at his old flat. The polygraph results proved he was still the womaniser he’d always been. He had set up the profile and he’d slept with more than one woman whilst he was with Zara. She had a lucky escape and the test had stopped her marrying a man who would sleep around whenever he got the chance.
Bath lie detector test service
Do you have suspicions about infidelity in Bath or elsewhere in the UK? Our highly qualified and accredited polygraph examiners work nationwide to find answers that people need to move forward with their lives. Give us a call on our free helpline for a confidential chat.